usage: [-h] [--publishers PUBLISHERS] [--hostname HOSTNAME] [--port PORT] [--topic TOPIC] [--auth AUTH] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD]
[--qos QOS] [--max_messages MAX_MESSAGES] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
MQTT Benchmark Tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--publishers PUBLISHERS
No of publishers for test
--hostname HOSTNAME MQTT Broker address
--port PORT MQTT Port
--topic TOPIC MQTT Topic
--auth AUTH MQTT Authentication
--username USERNAME MQTT Username
--password PASSWORD MQTT Password
--qos QOS MQTT QoS
--max_messages MAX_MESSAGES
Max MQTT messages to be sent
--timeout TIMEOUT Test Timeout
python --host localhost --port 1883 --auth True --username <username> --password <password> --publishers 200 --max_messages 3 --timeout 60 --qos 2
MQTT Benchmark Test Tool
Number of cpu : 4
entity : subscriber, client : 1, msg : [INFO] client connection ...[OK]
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 600/600 [00:06<00:00, 99.79it/s]
entity : subscriber, client : 1, msg : [INFO] Subscriber Stopping ...
entity : subscriber, client : 1, msg : [INFO] Subscriber Stopped ...[OK]
| Test Description |
| Fields | Value | Unit |
| Hostname | localhost | |
| Port | 1883 | MQTT |
| QoS | 2 | |
| Publishers | 200 | Nos |
| Messages/Publisher | 3 | Msg's |
| Total Msgs | 600 | Msg's |
| Test Timeout | 60 | Seconds |
| Average Publisher Statistics |
| Fields | Value | Unit |
| Msg Duration Mean | 1.0514 | ms |
| Msg Duration Std | 0.8124 | ms |
| Msg Duration Max | 10.367 | ms |
| Msg Duration Min | 0.187 | ms |
| Total Publishers | 200 | No's |
| Active Publishers | 200 | No's |
| Inactive Publishers | 0 | No's |
| Bandwidth (msg's/sec) | 1319.9177 | msg/sec |
| subscriber c1 |
| Fields | Value | Unit |
| Msgs Received | 600 | No's |
| Total Msgs | 600 | No's |
| Msg Duration Mean | 9.356 | ms |
| Msg Duration Average | 9.356 | ms |
| Msg Duration Std | 181.044 | ms |
| Msg Duration Max | 4439.331 | ms |
| Msg Duration Min | 0.019 | ms |
| Success Rate | 100.0 | % |
| Failure Rate | 0.0 | % |
| Bandwidth | 106.885 | msg/sec |
| Avg Payload Size per publisher | 124.3 | Bytes |
| Throughput | 11.0 | Kbps |
| Duration | 6.621 | Seconds |
[INFO] Test Completed in 6.637 seconds
[INFO] Exiting ...