{ The backend server is currently stopped. Please contact me to start the server and demonstrate the app. }
This repository documents a "pet-project" of mine named "Online Code Blocks". It is a deployed full-stack web application designed to share a JavaScript code editor between multiple browser clients. The main purpose of the application is self-study of full-stack development and project deployment methods.
You can use any of the following links to try the app:
- Start the app on two different browsers (possibly on different computers), and it should display the welcome/login page.
- Login with different Google accounts on each browser.
- Select the same code-block in each browser.
- Enjoy code sharing.
- Node.js (with Express) - For backend/server-side implementation.
- React.js - For frontend/client-side implementation.
- AWS DynamoDB - The selected database for storing code-blocks.
- Google Firebase - For user authentication.
- Socket.IO - For creating live-sockets between clients and the server.
- AWS EC2 - For hosting the Node.js server.
- AWS Amplify and Vercel.com - For hosting the React web application (the later for backup).
- AWS API Gateway - For making a geteway that allows HTTPS requests.
- react-router-dom - A React package for in-app navigation.
- MUI - React component library. Used for creating buttons, icons, text-fields, etc.
- react-simple-code-editor - A React package for creating a code editor.
- Prismjs - A React for text highlighting (making text displayed as code).
- Postman - For testing CRUD requests.
- Github and Github Desktop - for version control and deployments.
- draw.io - For making project architecture diagram (https://app.diagrams.net/).
- VS Code - For coding.
- This repository is still under development for learning purposes.