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Cecil edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision

Msys2 Dependencies

If you need to build dependent libraries, your way for Ruby 2.2.6 or later:

Create a sandbox in your msys2 $HOME.

mkdir -p shoesdeps/src
mkdir -p shoesdeps/mingw

We need to build some dlls that Ruby wants and then we'll build Ruby and test it. Then we'll build all the dll's Shoes need and if we survive, we'll build Shoes. This may take several days of wondering if you done it correctly.

These all follow the standard script of download, move that that to src/, expand it, and create a shell script to do the configure, and then you make, make install It's a constant pattern so I'm only going to show it once for libgmp.

Ruby deps

libgmp 6.1.0

Download it from the link, move it to your shoesdeps/src and expand it. My browser puts things in C:\Users\Cecil\Downloads

cd shoesdeps/src
mv /c/Users/Cecil/libgmp-6.1.0.tar.xz .
tar xf libgmp-6.1.0.tar.x

Create this script in shoesdeps/src and use it to do the configure for you and then you can make, make install (copy it into your shoesdeps).

$ more
#! /bin/bash
# execute it instead of ./configure
export dest="$(cygpath -m $HOME)/shoesdeps/mingw"
./configure \
  --disable-static \
  --enable-shared \

Then configure and build.

cd gmp-6.1.0
make install

Shoes deps

Put it together

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