Members | Position | GitHub |
Spartak Gevorgyan | Lead Software Engineer | artak10t |
Shohin Abdulkhamidov | Software Engineer | shohinsan |
Vladislav Semenyutin | Software Engineer | skiffin_git |
August 26, 2021 -
Product Name:
BookUp -
Problem Statement:
A reservation platform for people who want go on vacations and can't find places to stay -
Design of classes and interfaces. Object-oriented design methodologies and notations. Design patterns. Generics and reflection. Exception handling. Concurrent programming. Graphical user interface programming. Software engineering concepts and tools. Required team-based programming assignment. -
Java Development Kit <= 11, add sqlite.jar in Project Structure/Global Libraries (file located in Database folder) in order to run the project
- Briefly, it has:
- Ability for users to sign-up, login/logout (client/customer)
- Be able to delete account/posts
- Ability to search for places that has been posted by client (dates available/location/number of guests)
- Ability to book a place