Authored by Team 18: V S S Anirudh Sharma, EE18B036 Hema Landa, EE19B036
The assignment deals with Time Series and Normal data classification models. The following instructions will help the users execute and in the right way.
With the Speech and Handwriting data class folders, HMM-Code and the following codes in the same folder, here are the commands:
Run the following command:
>>python3 <optional: Path of Data super folder>
Please fill in the paths of the .txt dataset files accordingly. Default is current folder path.
Run the following command:
>>python3 <optional: Path of Data super folder>
Please fill in the paths of the .txt dataset files accordingly. Default is current folder path.
Run the following command:
>>python3 <optional: Path of Data super folder>
Please fill in the paths of the .txt dataset files accordingly. Default is current folder path.
Run the following command:
>>python3 <optional: Path of Data super folder>
Please fill in the paths of the .txt dataset files accordingly. Default is current folder path.