Welcome to the "Analyzing the Impact of Car Features on Price and Profitability" project repository! In this project, we delve into the automotive industry to understand the factors influencing consumer demand for cars and how car manufacturers can optimize pricing and product development decisions to maximize profitability while meeting consumer demand.
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Description: The automotive industry has witnessed significant evolution in recent years, with a focus on fuel efficiency, environmental sustainability, and technological innovation. This project aims to address the following question posed by the client: How can a car manufacturer optimize pricing and product development decisions to maximize profitability while meeting consumer demand?
By analyzing the relationship between car features, market categories, and pricing, we aim to identify the most popular features and categories among consumers and the most profitable ones for the manufacturer. Leveraging data analysis techniques such as regression analysis and market segmentation, we can develop a pricing strategy that balances consumer demand with profitability. This analysis helps in determining which product features to prioritize in future product development efforts, ultimately enhancing competitiveness and profitability in the market.
Dataset: Link to Car Features Dataset
Project Report: Link to PDF Report
Presentation Slides: Link to PowerPoint Presentation
Video Presentation: Link to Video Presentation
- LinkedIn Profile (https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajrathod54321) - Project Lead and Analyst
- GitHub ID: @Shraaj1
- Email: rajr65037@gmail.com
Feedback and suggestions are highly appreciated! Feel free to reach out via email or LinkedIn for discussions or inquiries.