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For your project we are providing you with a dataset of a Customer Experience (CX) Inbound calling team for 23 days. Data includes Agent_Name, Agent_ID, Queue_Time [duration for which customer have to wait before they get connected to an agent], Time [time at which call was made by customer in a day], Time_Bucket [for easiness we have also provided you with the time bucket], Duration [duration for which a customer and executives are on call, Call_Seconds [for simplicity we have also converted those time into seconds], call status (Abandon, answered, transferred).

A customer experience (CX) team consists of professionals who analyze customer feedback and data, and share insights with the rest of the organization. Typically, these teams fulfil various roles and responsibilities such as: Customer experience programs (CX programs), Digital customer experience, Design and processes, Internal communications, Voice of the customer (VoC), User experiences, Customer experience management, Journey mapping, Nurturing customer interactions, Customer success, Customer support, Handling customer data, Learning about the customer journey.

Use the data to answer the following:

  1. Calculate the average call time duration for all incoming calls received by agents (in each Time_Bucket).
  2. Show the total volume/ number of calls coming in via charts/ graphs [Number of calls v/s Time]. You can select time in a bucket form (i.e. 1-2, 2-3, …..)
  3. As you can see current abandon rate is approximately 30%. Propose a manpower plan required during each time bucket [between 9am to 9pm] to reduce the abandon rate to 10%. (i.e. You have to calculate minimum number of agents required in each time bucket so that at least 90 calls should be answered out of 100.)
  4. Let’s say customers also call this ABC insurance company in night but didn’t get answer as there are no agents to answer, this creates a bad customer experience for this Insurance company. Suppose every 100 calls that customer made during 9 Am to 9 Pm, customer also made 30 calls in night between interval [9 Pm to 9 Am] and distribution will be given in the data setNow propose a manpower plan required during each time bucket in a day. Maximum Abandon rate assumption would be same 10%.

Assumption: An agent work for 6 days a week; On an average total unplanned leaves per agent is 4 days a month; An agent total working hrs is 9 Hrs out of which 1.5 Hrs goes into lunch and snacks in the office. On average an agent occupied for 60% of his total actual working Hrs (i.e 60% of 7.5 Hrs) on call with customers/ users. Total days in a month is 30 days.