A simple music app where people can create their profile, add audio, video and post.
Project Link: [https://laravue-music-app-frontend.vercel.app]
API project source code: [https://github.com/shreyasarker/laravue-music-app-api]
- Vite
- Vue 3
- TailwindCSS, PostCSS
- Vue Router 4
- Vee Validate 4
- Yup
- APlayer
- Vue Advanced Cropper
- Vue3 Toastify
- Pinia
- Axios
- Crypto JS
- JS Cookie
- Laravel Vue Pagination
- Font Awesome
## Installation
1. Clone this repository using "https://github.com/shreyasarker/laravue-music-app-frontend.git"
2. Run `npm install`
## Dev Environment
Run `npm run dev`
## Compiles and hot-reloads for development
Run `npm run serve`
## Compiles and minifies for production
Run `npm run build`
## Lints and fixes files
Run `npm run lint`