The primary objective of the project is to Analyse sales for Northwind data using QlikSense & Tableau.
- Northwinds.xls file has 32 columns and 2305 rows.
- The data contains Northwind Sales for the period Apr-2013 to Mar-2015.
- SaleAmt = Quantity * SalePrice Less Discount
- CostAmt = Quantity * CostPrice Less Discount
- Margin = SaleAmt – CostAmt
- Dashboard.
- Invoice Data With OrdID wise & OrderDate wise Totals.
- FinYear wise strategic data.
- Graph showing monthly strategic.
- Geo Graph showing a strategic measure per Geo Location.
- Forecast strategic data for the next 6 months.
- Dashboard.
- Drill Down Table
- Drill Down Graph
- Combo / Dual Axis Chart
- Tree Map
- Geo Graph showing Total Revenue per City
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