Finance Tracker is a website that helps the stock trackers connect with others and exchange info related to stocks that they already added in their wishlist.
This is a website that allows a user to choose a plan based on the number of trackable stocks. User can search a stock based on ticker or name of the organization(eg: appl, fb). Connect with other users to know which stocks they are tracking at the moment. Recent news about the most added stocks by the users. Reliable payment method so subscribe a plan.
- Ruby On Rails
- JavaScript
- Stripe
- Sendgrid
- Stock Quote
- Webpack
- Clone the repository, in terminal execute
git clone
- Enter into the repository
cd Finance-Tracker
- Rails version: > 6.0.3
- Ruby version: 2.7.1
- PostgreSQL
- Srtipe account: Crete an account in Stripe. Then access your api key from the developers dashboard. Collect both pulisable key and secret key.
- IEX Cloud account: Create an account in IEX Cloud. Collect the publishable key from your tokens section
- SendGrid accont: Create an account in SendGrid and collect the API Token
- If you are using vscode then execute the following line in the terminal.
This will open a file in your Vscode paste the following format at the end of the file. And fill it with the required token were copied.
EDITOR="code --wait" rails credentials:edit
Close the open credential file and that will save the info. You can check this link to know more about the environment credentials.iex_token: stock_quote_api: PASTE IEX CLOUD API TOKEN sendgrid: sendgrid_user: apikey sendgrid_api_key: PASTE SendGrip API KEY stripe_key: PUBLISHABLE_KEY: PASTE STRIPE PUBLISHABLE KEY SECRET_KEY: PASTE STRIP SECRET KEY
- Install all the gems and dependencies that are needed.
bundle install yarn install
- Setup database
rails db:setup
Run the rails server and enjoy....
rails s
👤 Author1
- GitHub: @shshamim63
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc
This project is MIT licensed.