A fun and interactive Dinosaur game built using React. This library allows you to easily embed the classic "Dino" game, inspired by the offline Chrome dinosaur game, into your React applications. The game features a simple design, jump mechanics, score tracking, and basic collision detection.
NPM Link - https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-dino-game?activeTab=readme
- Difficulty increases with time
- Added few background elements -sun, birds
- More exciting features upcomming
- Jump Mechanics: The player controls the dinosaur by jumping over obstacles using the spacebar.
- Score Tracking: The game tracks the player's score as they avoid obstacles.
- Collision Detection: The game ends when the dinosaur collides with a cactus.
- Responsive Design: The game adjusts to different screen sizes and is mobile-friendly. gestures.(In development)
Install react-dino-game
using npm or yarn:
npm install react-dino-game
or bash
yarn add react-dino-game
Here's how to integrate the react-dino-game into your React application:
// App.js
import React from 'react';
import { Dino } from 'react-dino-game';
function App() {
return (
<h1>My Dino Game</h1>
<Dino />
export default App;
- will be added soon after advanced mechanisms are implemented.
Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to suggest improvements or report bugs. This is still in development hence suggest improvements. If you want to contribute or modify this library, clone the repository and install dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/shubham10divakar/react-dino-game.git
cd react-dino-game
npm install
#You can start the development server with:
npm start
I am Subham Divakar and I am the developer of multiple python and react libraries. Check out my worksamples on my portfolio site.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/subham-divakar-a7420a12a/
GitHub: https://github.com/shubham10divakar
Portfolio: https://shubham10divakar.github.io/showcasehub/
Your feedback is important! Please share your thoughts and suggestions. License
This project is licensed under the MIT License.