A simple library that builds computational graphs and provides gradient computation capabilities. Currently supports only simple datatypes such as int and float.
Please note that this code has been tested only with Python3.6 and above. The code is not guaranteed to work correctly on lower versions of Python.
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Exponentiation
- Automatically casts
function provides autodiff capabilities
Import the library-
>>> import computational_graph as cg
>>> from computational_graph import Var, gradient
x = Var(5)
y = Var(6)
z = x + y # Addition
print(z) # 11
type(z) # <class 'computational_graph.basic.Var'>
# Also note that, we can also perform an operation with a Var and an int or float-
z = x + 6 # 11
type(z) # <class 'computational_graph.basic.Var'>
# Other supported basic ops
z = x - y # Subtraction
z = x * y # Multiplication
z = x / y # Division
z = x ** y # Exponentiation
import computational_graph as cg
from computational_graph import Var, gradient
def sigmoid(x):
exp_ = cg.exp()
return 1 / (1 + exp_(-x))
x = Var(0.5)
z = sigmoid(x)
print(z) # 1.6065306597126334
import computational_graph as cg
from computational_graph import Var, gradient
def sigmoid(x):
exp_ = cg.exp()
return 1 / (1 + exp_(-x))
x = Var(0.5)
z = sigmoid(x)
print(z) # 1.6065306597126334
# Calculate dz/dx (Gradient of z w.r.t x)
print(gradient(z, x)) # -0.6065306597126334
- Extend to numpy arrays
- Add functionality for plotting the computational graph
- Add support for detaching gradients
- Add support for commonly used neural network functions (e.g. sigmoid, softmax, ReLU, etc.)
- Detailed documentation (if things work out and I'm able to add numpy arrays support )