Everhour is a time management system with a strong focus on integration. If you're managing all your tasks in a specialized system, such as Asana, Trello, Basecamp, where there is no native time tracking functionality (or it's limited), you'll need to use a third-party service.
- Login/signup Authentication.
- Landing page with functionality.
- Schedule slot for overiview or demo
- Footer linked with social media sites.
- Add tasks on calender
- Create Project,add,create,update projects
- Clients management,add,create,update clients
- Team memebers management
- Responsive for all screen sizes.
- Skeleton Loading for User Interface(UI)
- REACT JS | REDUX | Express
- CHAKRA UI(For designing the website).
- Mongo DB (for maintining database)
- Pravhat Ray
- Shubham Singh
- Alisha Mohasin
- Vivek Rana