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Binary classification using DeeplabV3plus on E-marg(custom) dataset.

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"eMARG" Automated Road Quality Inspection PoC

I. Semantic Segmentation

We have used DeepLabv3+ semantic segmentation model trained on eMARG-15k images(Good/Bad).

Quick Start

1. Available Architectures


Specify the model architecture with '--model ARCH_NAME' and set the output stride using '--output_stride OUTPUT_STRIDE'.

DeepLabV3 DeepLabV3+
deeplabv3_resnet50 deeplabv3plus_resnet50
deeplabv3_resnet101 deeplabv3plus_resnet101
deeplabv3_mobilenet deeplabv3plus_mobilenet
deeplabv3_hrnetv2_48 deeplabv3plus_hrnetv2_48
deeplabv3_hrnetv2_32 deeplabv3plus_hrnetv2_32

All pretrained model checkpoints: Drive

2. Load the pretrained model:

model.load_state_dict( torch.load( CKPT_PATH )['model_state']  )

3. Visualize segmentation outputs:

outputs = model(images)
preds = outputs.max(1)[1].detach().cpu().numpy()
colorized_preds = val_dst.decode_target(preds).astype('uint8') # To RGB images, (N, H, W, 3), ranged 0~255, numpy array
# Do whatever you like here with the colorized segmentation maps
colorized_preds = Image.fromarray(colorized_preds[0]) # to PIL Image

4. Train your model on eMARG likewise Cityscapes.

python --model deeplabv3plus_mobilenet --dataset cityscapes --enable_vis --vis_port 28333 --gpu_id 0  --lr 0.1  --crop_size 768 --batch_size 16 --output_stride 16 --data_root ./datasets/data/eMARG
python --model deeplabv3plus_resnet101 --dataset cityscapes --enable_vis --vis_port 28333 --gpu_id 0  --lr 0.1  --crop_size 768 --batch_size 16 --output_stride 16 --data_root ./datasets/data/eMARG 

5. Testing

Results will be saved at ./results.

python --model deeplabv3plus_mobilenet --enable_vis --vis_port 28333 --gpu_id 0 --year 2012_aug --crop_val --lr 0.01 --crop_size 513 --batch_size 16 --output_stride 16 --ckpt checkpoints/best_deeplabv3plus_mobilenet_cityscapes_os16.pth --test_only --save_val_results
python --model deeplabv3plus_mobilenet --enable_vis --vis_port 28333 --gpu_id 0 --year 2012_aug --crop_val --lr 0.01 --crop_size 513 --batch_size 16 --output_stride 16 --ckpt checkpoints/best_deeplabv3plus_mobilenet_cityscapes_os16.pth --test_only --save_val_results

6. Prediction

Single image:

python --input datasets/data/eMARG/leftImg8bit/train/city0/PE-AR-7382-157_2_leftImg8bit  --dataset cityscapes --model deeplabv3plus_mobilenet --ckpt checkpoints/best_deeplabv3plus_mobilenet_cityscapes_os16.pth --save_val_results_to test_results

Image folder:

python --input datasets/data/eMARG/leftImg8bit/train/city0  --dataset cityscapes --model deeplabv3plus_mobilenet --ckpt checkpoints/best_deeplabv3plus_mobilenet_cityscapes_os16.pth --save_val_results_to test_results


1. Performance on eMARG (6 classes, 512 x 384)

Training: 768x768 random crop
validation: 512x384

Model Batch Size mIoU Overall_Accuracy Mean_Accuracy lr checkpoint_link
DeepLabV3Plus-MobileNet 4 0.558 0.896 0.694 0.01 Download
DeepLabV3Plus-ResNet101 4 0.600 0.854 0.741 0.01 Download

Segmentation Results on Cityscapes (DeepLabv3Plus-ResNet101)

Image Overlay Prediction Target

II. Image Classification

We have used Segmentation Backbone of DeepLabv3+ model pre-trained on eMARG-15k(Good/Bad) and extended it for Binary Classification by adding simple Conv + FC layer combination.

Quick Start

Architecture of DeeplabV3+ Fine-tuned for Binary Classification.


DeepLabV3 DeepLabV3+
deeplabv3_resnet50 deeplabv3plus_resnet50
deeplabv3_resnet101 deeplabv3plus_resnet101
deeplabv3_mobilenet deeplabv3plus_mobilenet
deeplabv3_hrnetv2_48 deeplabv3plus_hrnetv2_48
deeplabv3_hrnetv2_32 deeplabv3plus_hrnetv2_32

All pretrained model checkpoints: Drive

1. Load the pretrained model:

model.load_state_dict( torch.load( CKPT_PATH )['model_state']  )

2. Prediction

Single image:

python --input datasets/data/eMARG/leftImg8bit/train/city0/PE-AR-7382-157_2_leftImg8bit  --dataset cityscapes --model deeplabv3plus_mobilenet --ckpt checkpoints/best_deeplabv3plus_mobilenet_cityscapes_os16.pth --save_val_results_to test_results

Image folder:

python --input datasets/data/eMARG/leftImg8bit/train/city0  --dataset cityscapes --model deeplabv3plus_mobilenet --ckpt checkpoints/best_deeplabv3plus_mobilenet_cityscapes_os16.pth --save_val_results_to test_results

3. Train your model on eMARG likewise Cityscapes.

python --model deeplabv3plus_mobilenet --dataset cityscapes --enable_vis --vis_port 28333 --gpu_id 0  --lr 0.1  --crop_size 768 --batch_size 16 --output_stride 16 --data_root ./datasets/data/eMARG
python --model deeplabv3plus_resnet101 --dataset cityscapes --enable_vis --vis_port 28333 --gpu_id 0  --lr 0.1  --crop_size 768 --batch_size 16 --output_stride 16 --data_root ./datasets/data/eMARG 

4. Testing

Results will be saved at ./results.

python --model deeplabv3plus_mobilenet --enable_vis --vis_port 28333 --gpu_id 0 --year 2012_aug --crop_val --lr 0.01 --crop_size 513 --batch_size 16 --output_stride 16 --ckpt checkpoints/best_deeplabv3plus_mobilenet_cityscapes_os16.pth --test_only --save_val_results
python --model deeplabv3plus_mobilenet --enable_vis --vis_port 28333 --gpu_id 0 --year 2012_aug --crop_val --lr 0.01 --crop_size 513 --batch_size 16 --output_stride 16 --ckpt checkpoints/best_deeplabv3plus_mobilenet_cityscapes_os16.pth --test_only --save_val_results


1. Performance on eMARG (6 classes, 512 x 384)

Training: 768x768 random crop
validation: 512x384

Model Batch Size Accuracy Precision Recall F1-score checkpoint_link
DeepLabV3Plus-ResNet101 4 0.884 0.8618 0.915 0.887 Download
DeepLabV3Plus-MobileNet 8 0.869 0.841 0.908 0.874 Download

GradCAM Results on eMARG (DeepLabv3Plus-MobileNet/ResNet-101)


eMARG Dataset

1. Download eMARG and extract it likewise Cityscapes dataset in this format 'datasets/data/cityscapes'


2. Requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt


[1] Rethinking Atrous Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation

[2] Encoder-Decoder with Atrous Separable Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation