A Movie recommendation system using Content Based Filtering with ElasticSearch
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/shulavkarki/Content-Based-Filtering-with-ElasticSearch.git
- Create Virtual Env.
python -m venv {environmentname}
activate accordingly.
- Install the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Fire up the elasticsearch and kibana service with docker.
docker-compose up
![image]()run docker desktop. Make sure the elasticsearch and kibana is working by going to following ports.
You should get something like this:
- Index the movie.
For indexing movies to elasticsearch. Run the following.
python create_index.py
- Run Fastapi
uvicorn foldername.app{filename app.py}:app{name of fastpi method} --reload
Pull up:
movie_name: "star wars"
no_of_recommendation: 10