####This is the assignment of "COMP3422 Creative Digital Media Design"
This is a simple python program for convert images in bmp,png etc. to jpeg format. Actually, JPEG image is also accepted as source, but please select another output folder to avoid overwite the original image.
It allows user the select multiple images to convert.
I used Python3.5 to program it, Tkinter
library for GUI, PIL
library for image
####How to run this program To run this program, you need to install python 3.5, then open terminal/cmd and install PIL library by following command
pip install Pillow
Then try to run this program python pyJpegConverter.py
There is a exe program provided which generated by pyinstaller
, you can
try to run it directly on Windows. (ONLY TESTED ON WIN7)
View Histogram function is copied from this site
Function for preview image in a better way
find the bugs to fix
improve interface
Limit the values of each parameter in a specific range