Code for MSM pre-training tailored for cross-lingual dense retrieval and the evaluation for the pre-trained models. Details can be found in our papers, Modeling Sequential Sentence Relation to Improve Cross-lingual Dense Retrieval
cd msm_fairseq
pip install --editable . --user
pip install tensorboardX
pip install transformers==4.7.0
Data should be preprocessed following the language modeling format, i.e. each document should be separated by an empty line, as the following format.
Doc1's sentence1
Doc1's sentence2
Doc2's sentence1
Doc2's sentence2
Then the raw text data should be preprocessed with the XLM-R BPE model.
all_lgs="ar en"
mkdir -p $DATA_PATH/processed_data
for SPLIT in $all_lgs; do
echo $SPLIT
python preprocess_data/ --model $MODEL_PATH/sentencepiece.bpe.model \
--inputs $DATA_PATH/${SPLIT}.txt --outputs $OUT_PATH/bpe_data/train.${SPLIT} --ratio 1.0
Finally preprocess/binarize the data using the XLM-R dictionary.
all_lgs="ar en"
for lg in $all_lgs; do
python3 \
--task msm \
--srcdict $MODEL_PATH/dict.txt \
--only-source \
--trainpref $INPUT_PATH/bpe \
--destdir $OUTPUT_PATH \
--workers 16 \
--source-lang $lg
mv "$OUTPUT_PATH/train.$lg-None.$lg.bin" "$OUTPUT_PATH/train.0.$lg.bin"
mv "$OUTPUT_PATH/train.$lg-None.$lg.idx" "$OUTPUT_PATH/train.0.$lg.idx"
The following bash lauch pre-training on 8 NVIDIA A100 80GB GPUs starting from XLM-R base.
bash fairseq/ {DATA_DIR} {MODEL_DOR} {EXP_NAME}
Then you can convert the saved checkpoints to the format as Huggingface models.
bash fairseq/ {OUTPUT_NAME} {INPUT_NAME}
You can download the pre-trained model from the following links.
For Mr.TYDI and XOR Retrieve, we mainly follow CCP. And for LAReQA and Mewsli-X, we follow XTREME. We thank all the developers.
Prepare the environment and download the data:
cd mDPR
conda create -n mdpr python==3.7
pip install -r requirements.txt
For Mr.TYDI, we use data from NQ or MS MARCO dataset for the fine-tuning of Cross-lingual zero-shot transfer. You can fine-tune a pre-trained multilingual model on the English data with the following command:
bash scripts/mrtydi/
bash scripts/mrtydi/
Then you can continue fine-tuning on Mr.TYDI train data for the model trained on MS MARCO, to get the results of Multi-lingual fine-tune setting.
bash scripts/mrtydi/
Output the evaluation results:
bash eval/
For Mr.TYDI, we use data from NQ dataset for the fine-tuning of Cross-lingual zero-shot transfer. You can fine-tune a pre-trained multilingual model on the English data with the following command:
bash scripts/xor/
Then you can continue fine-tuning on Mr.TYDI train data for the model trained on NQ, to get the results of Multi-lingual fine-tune setting.
bash scripts/xor/
Output the evaluation results:
bash eval/
Prepare the environment and download the data, here you can download only the data related to our tasks.
cd xtreme
conda create -n xtreme python==3.7
bash scripts/
For Mewsli-X, it fine-tunes on a predefined set of English-only mention-entity pairs as in XTREME-R. You can fine-tune a pre-trained multilingual model on the data with the following command:
bash msm_scripts/
For LAReQA, it finetunes on the English QA pairs from SQuAD v1.1 train set. You can fine-tune a pre-trained multilingual model on the data with the following command:
bash msm_scripts/
If you find our paper or the code helpful, please cite our paper.
title={Modeling Sequential Sentence Relation to Improve Cross-lingual Dense Retrieval},
author={Zhang, Shunyu and Liang, Yaobo and GONG, MING and Jiang, Daxin and Duan, Nan},
booktitle={The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations},
This code partly began with: Fairseq, CCP, Xtreme
We thank all the developers for doing most of the heavy-lifting.