This is the code for applying unsupervised meta-learning UMTRA algorithm on Mini-Imagenet dataset. We build this on top of the code for Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks (Finn et al., ICML 2017).
This code requires the following:
- python 2.* or python 3.*
- TensorFlow v1.0+
- Tensorflow-Hub (pip install --upgrade tensorflow-hub==0.7.0)
For the MiniImagenet data, see the usage instructions in data/miniImagenet/
For applying UMTRA on other datasets use this link.
To run the code, see the usage instructions at the top of
Use train=True for training and then after train is finished set train=False and test_set=True in order to use test set.
Notice that this code uses UMTRA algorithm for train.
To ask questions or report issues, please open an issue on the issues tracker.