library used to make cuts on data and propagate the cuts for all events contains function that processes the data from root file into form that can be fed into the xgboost BDT contains 1) names of signal/background files. 2) corresponding weights. 3) variables used to train, cut data, and associated values for cutting the BDT. Makes roc plots, distribution plots, and importance plots for each variable. Need to make folders called 'plots', and 'distributions' before running. run this to use the trained model to predict data. Change file name to your data file before running.
XGB_classifier_8Var.pkl: the pickle file of the Trained BDT. This one corresponds to ntrees = 1000, depth = 2, lr = 0.05, min child weight = 1
To run the BDT pickle:
- must have these packages installed: xgboost, pandas, numpy, munch, uproot, sklearn
- go into and change
to the name of the datafile you want to test (without the .root extension) - make a folder called 'loadedModel'
- run