How to?
- Setup your Arduino IDE
- Setup Arduino board and RFID reader conenctions as per the pin layout.
- Scan RFID tags by running the 'DumpInfo' code from the MFRCC522 library (File->Examples)
- [The library is found here: https://github.com/miguelbalboa/rfid]
- Then run the code by adding ID of your card in it.
- Observe output in the serial monitor.
- And test.
- In case of loose connections warning on the serial monitor, try checking the pin connections. And if it persists check your breadboard.
- In case of lack of a breadboard, use the pins directly into the RFID reader slot(preferably soldered).
- For other unexpected errors, something that worked for me is patiently following the steps, i.e., Verify->Upload->Serial Monitor
- Pin layout I referred off the internet to work the Arduino UNO board and RFID reader, avoid connecting the 3.3V from RFID reader to a 5V power supply on the Arduino board. As it made one of my readers stop working.
Reach me at pentosid@gmail.com for report details
A little video of how the code works: https://youtu.be/EMi4iNFbmuU