This repository content the API of Sekou API
If you want to run Junit Test
Open the app with any IDE and run Junit test method or run following command
Make sure to be in the app current directory
- $ mvn test -X
- Docker version 24.0.7
- Docker compose v2
- Optional Docker compose v1
Make sure you are on main directory of the app
- $ docker compose up -d
- $ docker-compose up -d optional
- $ docker exec -it postgre-sekou-db bash
- $ psql -U sidof
- $ CREATE DATABASE dbsekou;
- $ \l
- $ mvn spring-boot:run
To create database image based on Postgres
Optional if you have docker compose v1 instead of v2
Now Create the database named dbsekou
Execute and Access the database on iterative mode
You are now on the DATABASE
The database it now created. you can the following command to see it
You will be able to see the database on list.
Now let run the api using maven
At this step the app it's running
You can use Postman or any Test api you like