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Contributor Metrics

Backend infrastructure to track and manage metrics of GitHub projects by monitoring issues, pull requests, and events using AWS services and Python.

Storage & ETL

This app is designed to continually monitor and update GitHub project metrics using various GitHub APIs. Below is the detailed breakdown of its structure and functionalities:

Initial Setup

At the onset, the necessary modules are imported and instances of GitHubAPI, TimelineAPI, and TransferAPI are set up with the requisite tokens. A database session is established using credentials derived from the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store. These initializations take place exclusively when the app operates in an AWS Lambda environment, bypassing the AWS Chalice CLI mode.

Scheduled Functions

The app has three scheduled Lambda functions to facilitate tasks at different intervals: every 30 minutes, every 10 minutes, and daily at 5:00 am UTC.

1. every_30_min

  • Frequency: Every 30 minutes
  • Tasks:
    • Registers and updates new Pull Requests (PRs) and Issues formulated within defined temporal thresholds.
    • Refreshes the status of PRs and recently closed PRs in the database.
    • Reconciles the status of unmerged, closed PRs tracing back to one year (configurable).
    • Updates any novel team member data daily (for an organization).
    • Manages issue transfers via transferred issue reconciliations.

2. nrt_events

  • Frequency: Every 10 minutes
  • Tasks:
    • Records near-real-time (NRT) events pertaining to issue activities from a day before the current date.
    • Reconciles transferred issues.

3. daily

  • Frequency: Daily at 5:00 am UTC
  • Tasks:
    • Checks historical "closed" state daily, reconciling the merged/not-merged states of closed PRs since a given date.


As of now, the app does not expose any API endpoints, functioning predominantly on background tasks scheduled at various intervals to renew the database with recent GitHub information.

Libraries and Modules

  • Chalice
  • GitHubAPI, TimelineAPI, TransferAPI: Custom libraries for different parts of the GitHub API.
  • chalicelib.utils: Auxiliary functions, including get_parameter.
  • chalicelib.models: Database models such as PullRequest and Issue.


Compatible with sqlalchemy dialects.


The deployment of the backend scheduled Lambda functions is managed by AWS Chalice.

chalice deploy


Create secure parameters (SecureString) in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store to coincide with the pattern as specified in For example -

token = get_parameter("/contributor-metrics/{env-name}/{var-name}", True)
db_url = get_parameter("/contributor-metrics/{env-name}/{var-name", True)


Create the database tables using create_all(). This will create PullRequest, Member, Issue, Event, Transfer, and EventPoll tables. The below example loads the environment variables using dotenv. When deployed, these secrets are retrieved from SSM (above).

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import os
    from dotenv import load_dotenv
    from models import Member, PullRequest, Issue, create_all, create_db_session


    token = os.getenv("GH_TOKEN")
    db_url = os.getenv("DB_URL")

    gh = GitHubAPI(token=token)
    db = create_db_session(db_url)


Backfilling data

For backfilling historical data, utilize the script available in the repository. It's recommended to chunk the time periods for backfilling to avoid hitting GitHub's rate limit. Adjust the time frames appropriately to remain within the rate limits while fetching historical data. This script makes it easy to backfill data for specified repositories and events by automating the process and handling the GitHub API's rate limits gracefully.


Lambda environment

The Lambdas make use of Python, SQLAlchemy, and the GitHub API.

To develop locally, create a Python virtual environment using requirements.txt.

pyenv virtualenv 3.8.3 contributor-metrics
pyenv activate contributor-metrics
pip install -r requirements.txt

Activate the environment:

pyenv activate contributor-metrics

Custom policy

The policy.json provides access from the Lambda functions to the secrets stored in SSM.

  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Action": [
  "Resource": "arn:*:ssm:*:*:parameter/contributor-metrics/*/*"

This is added in the config.json.

Appendix: Database


    class Member {
        +id: Integer (PK)
        inserted_dt: DateTime
        inactive_dt: DateTime
        inactive: Boolean
        avatar_url: String
        events_url: String
        followers_url: String
        following_url: String
        gists_url: String
        gravatar_id: String
        html_url: String
        login: String (Unique)
        node_id: String
        organizations_url: String
        received_events_url: String
        repos_url: String
        site_admin: Boolean
        starred_url: String
        subscriptions_url: String
        type: String
        url: String

    class Issue {
        +id: BigInteger (PK)
        active_lock_reason: String
        assignee: JSONB
        assignees: ARRAY(JSON)
        author_association: String
        body: String
        closed_at: DateTime
        comments: Integer
        comments_url: String
        created_at: DateTime
        events_url: String
        html_url: String
        labels: ARRAY(JSON)
        labels_url: String
        locked: Boolean
        milestone: JSONB
        node_id: String
        number: Integer
        org: String
        performed_via_github_app: String
        reactions: JSONB
        repo: String
        repository_url: String
        score: Float
        state: String
        state_reason: String
        timeline_url: String
        title: String
        updated_at: DateTime
        url: String
        user: JSONB
        username: String

    class PullRequest {
        +id: BigInteger (PK)
        url: String
        repo: String
        org: String
        repository_url: String
        labels_url: String
        comments_url: String
        events_url: String
        html_url: String
        node_id: String
        number: Integer
        title: String
        user: JSONB
        username: String
        labels: ARRAY(JSON)
        state: String
        state_reason: String
        merged: Boolean
        locked: Boolean
        assignee: JSONB
        assignees: ARRAY(JSON)
        milestone: JSONB
        comments: Integer
        created_at: DateTime
        updated_at: DateTime
        closed_at: DateTime
        author_association: String
        active_lock_reason: String
        draft: Boolean
        pull_request: JSONB
        body: String
        reactions: JSONB
        timeline_url: String
        performed_via_github_app: String
        score: Integer

    class Event {
        +id: BigInteger (PK)
        +issue_id: BigInteger (PK)
        org: String
        repo: String
        event: String
        body: String
        label: JSONB
        reactions: JSONB
        state: String
        created_at: DateTime
        updated_at: DateTime
        node_id: String
        user: JSONB
        author_association: String
        username: String

    class EventPoll {
        +id: BigInteger (PK)
        +page_no: Integer (PK)
        issue_updated_at: DateTime
        etag: String

    class Transfer {
        +issue_id: BigInteger (PK)
        +new_issue_id: BigInteger (PK)
        url: String
        number: Integer
        repo: String
        title: String
        body: String
        created_at: DateTime
        closed_at: DateTime
        state: String
        org: String
        assignee: JSONB
        assignees: ARRAY(JSON)
        labels: ARRAY(JSON)
        new_repo: String
        new_html_url: String
        new_url: String
        new_number: Integer
        user: JSONB
        username: String

    Issue --|> Member: "has"
    PullRequest --|> Member: "has"
    Event --|> Issue: "refers to"
    Event --|> PullRequest: "refers to"
    Transfer --|> Issue: "refers to"
    Transfer --|> Issue: "refers to (new)"
    EventPoll --|> Issue: "can refer to"
    EventPoll --|> PullRequest: "can refer to"
