Your own private GitHub notes on every page
Learn more »
Chrome Extension
Web app and API repo
This is the browser extension for dossi, a note-taking app that allows you to add notes on GitHub issues, pull requests, and more.The web app and API are available at siegerts/dossi-app.
YouTube demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgGGjAqa3L8
- Sidepanel overlay on GitHub pages to add, edit, and delete notes
- Label creation
- Pin pages to view later
- Note management (create, read, update, delete, sort) with "light" markdown support
- Popup window to view recent activity and pins
- Content script button to open the sidepanel overlay and display the number of notes for the current page
- Transferred page detection to prompt the user to transfer notes to the new page entity
- Bring your own OpenAI API key and prompts to use with GitHub issue and discussion content
- Auth integration with dossi web app
- Developers: Keep notes for GitHub issues, pull requests, and discussions
- Open Source Contributors: Keep track of issues and PRs across multiple repositories
- Maintainers: Speed up issue triage, reproduction steps, and PR reviews. Keep track of discussions and decisions
- Product Managers: Track feature requests and user feedback
- Plasmo – browser extension framework
- TypeScript – language
- shadcn/ui – UI components
- Tailwind – CSS
- TanStack/react-query – data fetching
- zod – schema validation
API | Chrome | Firefox |
tabs |
✅ Supported | ✅ Supported |
- query |
✅ Supported | ✅ Supported |
- sendMessage |
✅ Supported | ✅ Supported |
- onUpdated |
✅ Supported | ✅ Supported |
webNavigation |
✅ Supported | ✅ Supported |
cookies |
✅ Supported | ✅ Supported |
runtime |
✅ Supported | ✅ Supported |
graph TB
subgraph ".dev Site"
A[User logs in]
L[User logs out]
A[User logs in] --> DB[(Neon Postgres Database)]
L[User logs out] --> DB[(Neon Postgres Database)]
P[API] --> DB[(Neon Postgres Database)]
B --> C{User logged in?}
A --> B[User accesses Chrome extension]
L --> M[Show unauthenticated UI]
subgraph "Content Script"
C -->|Yes| D["Show authenticated UI"]
D --> E["User can create, read, update, delete notes"]
E --> Z["API call to site"]
Z --> P
D --> F[User can create, read, update, delete pins]
F --> Y["API call to site"]
Y --> P
D --> G["User can create, read, update, delete labels"]
G --> X["API call to Main .com site"]
X --> P
D --> H{"API call returns a 403?"}
H -->|Yes| I[Show UI to log in]
C -->|No| M
subgraph "Popup Window"
C -->|Yes| K[Popup window shows user information]
C -->|No| M
style Z fill:#f9a8d4,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Y fill:#f9a8d4,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style X fill:#f9a8d4,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style DB fill:#e6ffed, stroke:#333, stroke-width:2px
graph TD
subgraph "Global Providers"
A[AuthProvider - Checks the user data and confirms isAuthed]
C[UserLabelsProvider - Data fetching]
subgraph "Page Specific Providers"
D[EntityProvider - Data fetching]
subgraph "LocalStorage"
F[UserLabels Cache]
A --> B
B --> C
C --> D
D --> E
C --> F[Updates Cache]
F --> C
pnpm install
Environment variables
Create a .env
file in the root of the project with the following content:
pnpm dev
# or
npm run dev
Open your browser and load the appropriate development build. For example, if you are developing for the chrome browser, using manifest v3, use: build/chrome-mv3-dev
Load the unpacked extension in your browser.
Run the following:
pnpm build
# or
npm run build
dossi is open source and available under the GNU General Public License v3.0(AGPLv3).