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ℹ️  SignalFx was acquired by Splunk in October 2019. See Splunk SignalFx for more information.

⚠️ Deprecation Notice

The Splunk Ruby Lambda Wrapper has reached end of life and has been permanently archived.

The Splunk OpenTelemetry Lambda Layer is the successor. To learn how to migrate, see the supporting documentation

SignalFx Ruby Lambda Wrapper


You can use this document to add a SignalFx wrapper to your AWS Lambda for Ruby. 

The SignalFx Ruby Lambda Wrapper wraps around an AWS Lambda Ruby function handler, which allows metrics and traces to be sent to SignalFx.

At a high-level, to add a SignalFx Ruby Lambda wrapper, you can package the code yourself, or you can use a Lambda layer containing the wrapper and then attach the layer to a Lambda function.

To learn more about Lambda layers, please visit the AWS documentation site and see AWS Lambda Layers.

Step 1: Add the Lambda wrapper in AWS

To add the SignalFx wrapper, you have the following options:

  • Option 1: In AWS, create a Lambda function, then attach a SignalFx-hosted layer with a wrapper.
    • If you are already using Lambda layers, then SignalFx recommends that you follow this option.
    • In this option, you will use a Lambda layer created and hosted by SignalFx.
  • Option 2: In AWS, create a Lambda function, then create and attach a layer based on a SignalFx SAM (Serverless Application Model) template.
    • If you are already using Lambda layers, then SignalFx also recommends that you follow this option.
    • In this option, you will choose a SignalFx template, and then deploy a copy of the layer.
  • Option 3: Use the wrapper as a regular dependency, and then create a Lambda function based on your artifact containing both code and dependencies.

Option 1: Create a Lambda function, then attach the SignalFx-hosted Lambda layer

In this option, you will use a Lambda layer created and hosted by SignalFx.

  1. To verify compatibility, review the list of supported regions. See Lambda Layer Versions.
  2. Open your AWS console. 
  3. In the landing page, under Compute, click Lambda.
  4. Click Create function to create a layer with SignalFx's capabilities.
  5. Click Author from scratch.
  6. In Function name, enter a descriptive name for the wrapper. 
  7. In Runtime, select the desired language.
  8. Click Create function
  9. Click on Layers, then add a layer.
  10. Mark Provide a layer version.
  11. Enter an ARN number.

Option 2: Create a Lambda function, then create and attach a layer based on a SignalFx template

In this option, you will choose a SignalFx template, and then deploy a copy of the layer.

  1. Open your AWS console. 
  2. In the landing page, under Compute, click Lambda.
  3. Click Create function to create a layer with SignalFx's capabilities.
  4. Click Browse serverless app repository.
  5. Click Public applications.
  6. In the search field, enter and select wrapper-ruby-sfx-app.
  7. Review the template, permissions, licenses, and then click Deploy.
    • A copy of the layer will now be deployed into your account.
  8. Return to the previous screen to add a layer to the function, select from list of runtime compatible layers, and then select the name of the copy. 

Option 3: Install the wrapper package

  1. Add the following line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'signalfx-lambda'
  1. Run the following command:
    $ bundle install --path vendor/bundle
  1. Package and deploy as usual.

Step 2: Locate and set the ingest endpoint

By default, this function wrapper will send data to the us0 realm. As a result, if you are not in the us0 realm and you want to use the ingest endpoint directly, then you must explicitly set your realm.

To locate your realm:

  1. Open SignalFx and in the top, right corner, click your profile icon.
  2. Click My Profile.
  3. Next to Organizations, review the listed realm.

To set your realm, when configuring variables, make sure to use a subdomain, such as or This action will take place in Step 3.

Step 3: Set environment variables

  1. Set SIGNALFX_ACCESS_TOKEN with your correct access token. (If you are using Smart Gateway for both metrics and traces, then you can skip this step.) Review the following example.

        SIGNALFX_ACCESS_TOKEN=access token
  2. If you use Smart Gateway, or want to ingest directly from a realm other than us0, then you must set at least one endpoint variable. (For environment variables, SignalFx defaults to the us0 realm. As a result, if you are not in the us0 realm, you may need to set your environment variables.) There are two options:

    • Option 1: You can update SIGNALFX_ENDPOINT_URL where both metrics and traces will be sent to the gateway address. Note that the path /v1/trace will be automatically added to the endpoint for traces. Review the following example.
    • Option 2: You can update SIGNALFX_ENDPOINT_URL to send traces to the gateway and SIGNALFX_METRICS_URL to send metrics directly. Review the following example.

    By default, SIGNALFX_METRICS_URL points to the us0 realm. If you are not in this realm, you must use the correct subdomain (https://ingest.{REALM}, as stated in Step 2.

  3. (Optional) Specify an operation timeout (in seconds) with the SIGNALFX_SEND_TIMEOUT environment variable. The default value is 1 second. Review the following example.

  4. (Optional) Set additional environment variables for tracer configuration. Review the following examples.

        SIGNALFX_TRACING_URL=tracing endpoint [ default: ]


  • In production, SIGNALFX_TRACING_URL should point to your Smart Gateway. In this situation, an access token is not needed.
  • If SIGNALFX_TRACING_URL does not point to your Smart Gateway, then the tracing URL defaults to In this situation, an access token is required.
  • By default, SIGNALFX_TRACING_URL points to the us0 realm. If you are not in this realm, then you must use the correct subdomain (https://ingest.{REALM}, as stated in Step 2.

To learn more, see:

Step 4: Wrap a function

  1. Add the following line to the top of your file:
require 'signalfx/lambda'
  1. To use the wrapper, put source.SignalFx::Lambda.wrapped_handler as the handler in the AWS console where source is your Ruby source file.

    • When you use the AWS online code editor, source is lambda_function. A complete handler value is lambda_function.SignalFx::Lambda.wrapped_handler.
  2. In a space after your handler function definition, register the function to be automatically traced. Review the following example.

# this is the original handler
def handler(event:, context:)

SignalFx::Lambda.register_handler(metrics: true, tracing: true, &method(:handler))
  1. Consider the following statemeents regarding how to register the function.
    • register_handler will accept any block.
    • If passing in a block parameter, then it must be the last argument.
    • You can also add these optional arguments:
      • metrics: Enable reporting of metrics. Default: true
      • tracing: Enable tracing. Default: true

(Optional) Step 5: Send custom metrics from a Lambda function

  1. You can use the already-configured SignalFx client to send additional metrics from your function. Review the following example:
SignalFx::Lambda::Metrics.client.send(counters: ..., gauges: ..., cumulative_counters: ...)

(Optional) Step 6: Add manual tracing

You can add manual tracing to get a deeper view of the function. The OpenTracing global tracer makes the tracer used by the wrapper available when you want more specific instrumentation. Review the following example.

require 'opentracing'

OpenTracing.global_tracer.start_active_span("span_name") do |scope|



These manually created spans will automatically be nested, with the span for the Lambda handler as the parent. For more examples, please see opentracing-ruby.

Additional information

Metrics and dimensions sent by the metrics wrapper

When metrics are enabled, the following datapoints are sent to SignalFx:

Metric Name Type Description
function.invocations Counter Count number of Lambda invocations
function.cold_starts Counter Count number of cold starts
function.errors Counter Count number of errors captured from underlying Lambda handler
function.duration Gauge Execution time of the underlying Lambda handler in milliseconds

Each datapoint has the following dimensions:

  • metric_source: ruby-lambda-wrapper
  • lambda_arn: the full ARN of the invocation
  • aws_region: the region that the function executed in
  • aws_account_id: id of the account this function ran for
  • aws_function_name: the function name set for this Lambda
  • aws_function_version: the function version
  • aws_function_qualifier: function version qualifier, which will be a version or version alias if it is not an event source mapping invocation
  • event_source_mappings: function name if it is an event source mapping invocation
  • aws_execution_env: the name of the runtime environment running this function
  • function_wrapper_version: the version of this wrapper gem being used
  • log_group_name: log group for the function
  • log_stream_name: log stream for the instance

Tags sent by the tracing wrapper

The wrapper will generate a trace per function invocation. The parent span will be named with the pattern lambda_ruby_<function_name>. The span prefix can be optionally configured with the SIGNALFX_SPAN_PREFIX environment variable. Review the following example.

$ SIGNALFX_SPAN_PREFIX=custom_prefix_

This configuration will make spans have the name custom_prefix_<function_name>

Each span will also have the following tags:

  • component: ruby-lambda-wrapper
  • lambda_arn: the full ARN of the invocation
  • aws_request_id: the identifier of the invocation request
  • aws_region: the region that the function executed in
  • aws_account_id: id of the account this function ran for
  • aws_function_name: the function name set for this Lambda
  • aws_function_version: the function version
  • aws_execution_env: the name of the runtime environment running this function
  • log_group_name: log group for the function
  • log_stream_name: log stream for the instance
  • function_wrapper_version: the version of this wrapper gem being used

If a qualifier is present in the ARN, depending on the resource type, either aws_function_qualifier or event_source_mappings will be tagged.


After you check out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.

To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version. Then, push git commits and tags, and then push the .gem file to


You can send bug reports and pull requests through GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.