This is the
for a Ruby on Rails application that mimics social news link sharing websites like HackerNews, ProductHunt, and Reddit.
Obviously the styling is different but the base functionality exists.
Because when i was learning to program, I wanted to play with code that had a familiar model and get some instant gratification.
The problem with learning to code is the learning-curve. Shit is real and painful and i found that the best cure for the pain was cloning an app with features and tweaking until it broke and learning along the way.
I think this is why wordpress is SO popular. Its stupid-easy to fire-up, and changes come with one-click package installs and tiny code changes.
- A visitor can view the list of items
- A visitor can view a single item and comment on it
- A visitor can register for an account
- A user can login and logout
- A user can submit a new item
- A user can like/unlike an item
- Google Analytics Integration
My main goal for this is to give new programmers some code to look at and talk about. Anytime i get questions, I plan to add them here...
Open your terminal
$ git clone link-site
$ cd link-site
Lets look at some code
When someone visits your website, they're literally just requesting some HTML, CSS, and Javascript! requests come to your application through the ROUTER.
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :items, except: [:destroy] do
resources :item_comments
member do
post :toggle
post :vote, to: 'user_item_votes#create'
delete :vote, to: 'user_item_votes#destroy'
root to: 'items#index'
resources :users, except: [:index]
resources :user_sessions, only: [:new, :create, :destroy]
get 'login' => 'user_sessions#new', as: :login
match 'logout' => 'user_sessions#destroy', as: :logout, via: [:get, :post]
namespace :admin do
root to: 'items#index'
resources :items