Links rot, which would be especially sad when you have a beautifully themed CTFd website :(. None of the existing CTFd archival technologies archive the entire website and keep it browsable; in most cases, they only archive the handouts and the challenge descriptions.
This is why we created ctfd2pages. Github Pages can now host a static version of a CTFd site long after the CTF event is over.
Challenges that need special hosting requirements, such as netcat-based challenges, are not in scope of this project, unfortunately. Though I guess you can try to figure the challenges out from the given handouts (if any) or public releases of challenge source code repositories (if available).
A picture live site is worth a thousand words:
- UIUCTF 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
- MapleCTF 2022
- SekaiCTF 2022
- KITCTFCTF 2022 GPNCTF21 2023
- CSCTF 2024
- (Feel free to send us a PR and add yours here)
It's mostly just bash and JavaScript. To install JS dependencies:
$ npm install
This tool is separated into many stages, each does a different operation. To see usage information:
$ ./stage
Usage: ./stage [stage number]
./stage 00 init
./stage 01 scrape
./stage 02 json_resolve
Each stage will operate on the git repository, but will not push unless
otherwise specified. To see what each stage does check
for the
commit title, and
for the executed commands.
Feel free to ask on the SIGPwny Discord if you need help or have any questions.
Follow GitHub documentation.
In particular, you need to setup a CNAME
DNS record on your DNS provider to
or <organization>
. You also need to set the
"Custom domain" setting under GitHub Pages settings for the repository.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.