Sag "Alexa, öffne bei Youtube Galaxy-Musik" und öffne die Audio des ersten Treffers
"invocationName" ist der Einstiegspunkt für die App. Zum Beispiel "Alexa, starte Youtube"
npm i --global ngrok npm install -g ask-cli
create app for the first time (git repo must be public) Working:
Not working:
- ask new --template-url --template-branch master
modeling stack: Interaction Model method to host your skill's backend resources: Alexa-hosted skills Please type in your skill name: youtube-unofficial folder name for the skill project: youtube-unofficial (wait) copy skill id
first time usage:
- npm install -g ask-cli
- ask configure --no-browser
- Anweisungen folgen, bei "Do you want to link your AWS account in order to host your Alexa skills?" dann "No" auswählen
use app for the first time
- "ask configure --no-browser" nochmals ausführen
create new profile profile name: "silas" url kopieren, im Browser einfügen und Authoriziation code kopieren, dann einfügen Do you want to link your AWS account in order to host your Alexa skills? (Y/n) n
- ask init
copy skill id from skill package path: ./skill-package lambda code path: ./lambda use AWS cloudFormation to deploy Lambda: n Lambda runtime: nodejs16.x Lambda handler: index.handler
deploy for AWS:
- ask deploy
deploy for amazon self-hosted git:
- (first time usage) ask util git-credentials-helper
- git config credential.helper '!aws codecommit credential-helper $@' git config credential.UseHttpPath true
- git push origin master
- (is possibly not working*) ask run --region EU
- in second terminal: ask dialog --replay dialog-en-US.json
- npm start
- ask run --debug-port 5000 --region EU
- ask dialog --replay dialog-en-US.json