Pzs-ng's sitewho ported to Python, uses SHM and glftpd's 'ONLINE' C struct.
Can be used as drop-in replacement.
See Screenshots.md for more examples
The 'spy' option was moved to pyspy.
- fully themeable output including ..colors! and.. emoji💾😆
- set
maxusers = -1
to auto get value from glftpd.conf - adds same features as sitewho+2: userip/geoip fields
- only 1 py module dependency: sysv_ipc
- can also be build as single binary (using pyinstaller)
..also, now 200% slower! tnx python. With geoip off you wont notice though.
Same args and options as pzs-ng sitewho:
./pywho # show all users
./pywho <username> # show specified user
./pywho --raw # show all users, display in raw format
./pywho --nbw # show total stats for all users
./pywho --raw <username> # show username, display in raw format
# newly added in pywho:
./pywho --help
./pywho --xxl # wide mode (if enabled)
./pywho --htm # output to pywho.html
Only latest glftpd version 2.12+ is supported (other versions untested)
Pick one of these 3 setup methods: binaries, apt or venv.
apt install python3-sysv-ipc
apt install python3-geoip2
(optional)git clone
this repo and run./pywho.py
# Install py3/venv pkgs first, e.g. for debian/redhat:
apt install python3-pip python3-venv
yum install python3-pip python3-virtualenv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install sysv-ipc
pip3 install geoip2 # optional
Now git clone
this repo and run ./pywho.py
If you want to build sysv_ip from src, see https://github.com/osvenskan/sysv_ip
If you do not want to install python modules, there's also a single executable file available for download.
- Debian 10, 11, 12
- Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04, 24.04
- CentOS Stream, Almalinux 9.3, Rockylinux 9.3
- Alpine 3.20
EOL: CentOS 7
Goto Releases tab for all files. Click "Show all assets" link at the bottom to expand file list.
It's also included in docker-glftpd
Configure options in 'pywho.conf'. The ones on top are standard options, same as sitewho.conf. There are options added in new sections GEOIP, THEME and XXLMODE. All options are explained at the bottom of conf. Make sure 'ipc_key' matches glftpd.
Note that ss5, geoip and xxl mode are disabled by default. To enable, edit pywho.py: _WITH_GEOIP = True
Optionally add pywho as site_cmd in 'glftpd.conf' and/or replace binary(WHO) in 'ngBot.conf'. When running from glftpd, FLAGS is used to detect color(5) and seeallflags (same as pzs-ng sitewho).
To build the pywho binary yourself you need PyInstaller. You probably want to setup and activate a virtual env first (see above) then pip install sysv-ipc pyinstaller
Now clone this repo and run build.sh, optionally add one or more of these args:
The build script will check and warn about wrong python version and missing modules.
You get this message at runtime:
INTERNAL ERROR: cannot create temporary directory!
- Make sure your tmp dir exists with
(sticky bit). - When running chrooted from glftpd you'll need to
mkdir -m 1777 -p /glftpd/var/tmp
- Make sure your tmp dir exists with
Enabling geoip2 is slow!
- Yes.
If geoip2 is enabled you can run out of your free geoip queries
- Max is 1000/day, ip lookups are cached in mem only and reset on every run of pywho
No users are shown but they are actually logged in
- Make sure users dont match 'hiddenusers' or 'hiddengroups' in pywho.conf
Just to see if its possible, ofc.. for all you pyfuckers
The sysv_ipc module does the heavy lifting rly. Unpacked data from shm segments buffer are wrapped in a namedtuple for readability and inserted to a list called 'user' e.g. user[x].tagline
In general the code could probably be improved a lot and more 'pythonic' (more like moronic) and chunks are still just directly copied and converted from C.