Local environment for experiments with the Knative stack.
This is still a work in progress, which means, things can break. For now the only demo application is borrowed from Knative official documentation.
The goal however is playing around with it a bit and eventually trying things out on my own set of examples.
Various tooling and tasks are automated within the Taskfile runner. Configurations are done inside Taskfile.yml file.
A list of tasks available can be viewed with task -l
, as shown below:
$ task -l
* default: List all of the available commands
* down: Delete k3d cluster resources.
* up: Bootstraps Knative Serving+Eventing on K3D cluster with Istio and Certmanager
* camel-k:cli:install: Install Camel-K CLI
* camel-k:install: Install Camel-K Operator
* certmanager:install: install certmanager
* demo:backend: install demo bookstore app node server
* demo:database: install demo bookstore database
* demo:frontend: install demo bookstore app frontend
* demo:mlservive:badwordfilter: install demo bookstore ML service bad-word-filter
* demo:mlservive:sentment: install demo bookstore ML service sentment analysis
* demo:sequence: install demo bookstore sequence
* demo:up: install demo bookstore app
* istio:install: Install Istio
* istio:install:cli: Install Istio CLI
* istio:install:verify: Verify Istio install
* istio:setup:injection: Enable Istio sidecar injection on all namespaces by adding required label
* k3d:install: Install k3d cluster
* knative:cli:install: Install Knative CLI
* knative:eventing:broker: Installs a default Channel (messaging) layer using Kafka
* knative:eventing:channel: Installs a default Channel (messaging) layer using Kafka
* knative:eventing:install: install knative-service
* knative:eventing:kafka:controller: Installs Knative Kafka Operator
* knative:eventing:kafka:sink: Install the Kafka Sink data plane
* knative:eventing:kafka:source: IInstall the Apache Kafka Source
* knative:operator:install: install
* knative:serving:install: install knative serving with default DNS and HPA extension
* knative:serving:install:dns: install knative serving default DNS (sslip.io)
* knative:serving:install:hpa: install knative serving HPA extension
* knative:serving:setup:peerauth: Set PeerAuthentication to PERMISSIVE on knative-serving system namespace
This project enforces conventional commits and some further quality checks using pre-commit, to install hooks locally and test, execute as per below:
$ task precommit
✅ Precommit hooks successfully updated
Configuring pre-commit
check for required tooling...............................................Passed
trim trailing whitespace.................................................Passed
fix end of files.........................................................Passed
check for added large files..............................................Passed
To bootstrap the local environment, execute the following:
task up
INFO[0000] portmapping '9443:443' targets the loadbalancer: defaulting to [servers:*:proxy agents:*:proxy]
INFO[0000] portmapping '3000:3000' targets the loadbalancer: defaulting to [servers:*:proxy agents:*:proxy]
INFO[0000] portmapping '8000:8000' targets the loadbalancer: defaulting to [servers:*:proxy agents:*:proxy]
INFO[0000] portmapping '8080:80' targets the loadbalancer: defaulting to [servers:*:proxy agents:*:proxy]
INFO[0000] Prep: Network
INFO[0000] Created network 'k3d-knative-stack'
INFO[0000] Created image volume k3d-knative-stack-images
INFO[0000] Creating node 'k3d-knative-stack-registry'
INFO[0000] Successfully created registry 'k3d-knative-stack-registry'
INFO[0000] Starting new tools node...
INFO[0000] Starting node 'k3d-knative-stack-tools'
INFO[0001] Creating node 'k3d-knative-stack-server-0'
INFO[0001] Creating node 'k3d-knative-stack-agent-0'
INFO[0001] Creating node 'k3d-knative-stack-agent-1'
INFO[0001] Creating node 'k3d-knative-stack-agent-2'
INFO[0001] Creating LoadBalancer 'k3d-knative-stack-serverlb'
INFO[0001] Using the k3d-tools node to gather environment information
INFO[0001] HostIP: using network gateway address
INFO[0001] Starting cluster 'knative-stack'
INFO[0001] Starting servers...
INFO[0001] Starting node 'k3d-knative-stack-server-0'
# [...] Skipping logs just to keep things brief...
📦 Installing Camel-K...
Camel K installed in namespace bookstore
pod/camel-k-operator-644ffcc888-rk9qh condition met
✅ Camel-K installed successfully.
| \
| \
| \
/|| \
/ || \
/ || \
/ || \
/ || \
/ || \
\__ _____/
✔ Istio core installed ⛵️
✔ Istiod installed 🧠
✔ Ingress gateways installed 🛬
✔ Installation complete Made this installation the default for cluster-wide operations.
# [...] Skipping logs just to keep things brief...
Checked 14 custom resource definitions
Checked 2 Istio Deployments
✔ Istio is installed and verified successfully
Verify if the cluster is up and running with the following:
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/.kubeconfig
kube-system coredns-6799fbcd5-rtd2d 1/1 Running 0 2m28s k3d-knative-stack-agent-0 <none> <none>
cert-manager cert-manager-d894bbbd4-vxcgv 1/1 Running 0 2m27s k3d-knative-stack-agent-2 <none> <none>
kube-system local-path-provisioner-6c86858495-njqfc 1/1 Running 0 2m28s k3d-knative-stack-agent-2 <none> <none>
cert-manager cert-manager-cainjector-5fd6444f95-zndm5 1/1 Running 0 2m27s k3d-knative-stack-agent-1 <none> <none>
cert-manager cert-manager-webhook-869674f96f-4fc7p 1/1 Running 0 2m26s k3d-knative-stack-agent-1 <none> <none>
bookstore camel-k-operator-644ffcc888-rk9qh 1/1 Running 0 2m24s k3d-knative-stack-agent-1 <none> <none>
kube-system metrics-server-54fd9b65b-tmmzn 1/1 Running 0 2m28s k3d-knative-stack-server-0 <none> <none>
istio-system istiod-56bf468489-lqf7s 1/1 Running 0 2m3s k3d-knative-stack-agent-0 <none> <none>
kube-system svclb-istio-ingressgateway-cb1cb4c5-ffzxh 3/3 Running 0 113s k3d-knative-stack-agent-0 <none> <none>
kube-system svclb-istio-ingressgateway-cb1cb4c5-mzxhl 3/3 Running 0 113s k3d-knative-stack-server-0 <none> <none>
kube-system svclb-istio-ingressgateway-cb1cb4c5-mpkh7 3/3 Running 0 113s k3d-knative-stack-agent-2 <none> <none>
kube-system svclb-istio-ingressgateway-cb1cb4c5-qflw2 3/3 Running 0 113s k3d-knative-stack-agent-1 <none> <none>
istio-system istio-ingressgateway-b5ffdf7f-vsh5g 1/1 Running 0 113s k3d-knative-stack-server-0 <none> <none>
knative-serving autoscaler-6985c5b458-24k6v 1/1 Running 0 96s k3d-knative-stack-agent-1 <none> <none>
knative-serving activator-7cbf6b7785-fk6c7 1/1 Running 0 96s k3d-knative-stack-server-0 <none> <none>
knative-serving webhook-6cd8bdbdc7-g592q 1/1 Running 0 96s k3d-knative-stack-agent-2 <none> <none>
knative-serving controller-7b4cc86f6f-8ps9x 1/1 Running 0 96s k3d-knative-stack-agent-2 <none> <none>
knative-serving net-istio-controller-5f7df96bb4-dkjw8 1/1 Running 0 94s k3d-knative-stack-agent-1 <none> <none>
knative-serving net-istio-webhook-58bd6fb45f-jrbz4 1/1 Running 0 94s k3d-knative-stack-agent-1 <none> <none>
knative-serving autoscaler-hpa-7c5c4444c5-j9hzb 1/1 Running 0 92s k3d-knative-stack-agent-1 <none> <none>
knative-eventing job-sink-5467f887c6-2dl6t 1/1 Running 0 88s k3d-knative-stack-agent-1 <none> <none>
knative-eventing kafka-controller-84cf6b879d-q6g4p 1/1 Running 0 86s k3d-knative-stack-agent-2 <none> <none>
knative-eventing eventing-webhook-7557cd4f7-pxrt4 1/1 Running 0 88s k3d-knative-stack-server-0 <none> <none>
knative-eventing kafka-webhook-eventing-7947685759-jvccs 1/1 Running 0 86s k3d-knative-stack-agent-1 <none> <none>
knative-eventing knative-kafka-storage-version-migrator-sdphg 0/1 Completed 0 83s k3d-knative-stack-agent-1 <none> <none>
knative-serving default-domain-66rsg 0/1 Completed 0 93s k3d-knative-stack-agent-2 <none> <none>
knative-eventing kafka-controller-post-install-zmlbq 0/1 Completed 0 83s k3d-knative-stack-agent-1 <none> <none>
knative-eventing eventing-controller-7895c8b565-mjtk7 1/1 Running 0 88s k3d-knative-stack-agent-2 <none> <none>
knative-eventing kafka-broker-receiver-68846f4976-q9xzt 1/1 Running 0 80s k3d-knative-stack-agent-0 <none> <none>
knative-eventing kafka-sink-receiver-6cbdd8cfd8-fvntx 1/1 Running 0 78s k3d-knative-stack-agent-1 <none> <none>
knative-eventing kafka-channel-receiver-946f4d65-c646n 1/1 Running 0 84s k3d-knative-stack-server-0 <none> <none>
knative-eventing kafka-broker-dispatcher-0 1/1 Running 0 78s k3d-knative-stack-agent-2 <none> <none>
knative-eventing kafka-channel-dispatcher-0 2/2 Running 0 74s k3d-knative-stack-server-0 <none> <none>
To bootstrap the demo application, execute the following:
task demo:up
To clean-up, execute the following:
task down
Deleting cluster knative-stack
INFO[0000] Deleting cluster 'knative-stack'
INFO[0008] Deleting cluster network 'k3d-knative-stack'
INFO[0008] Deleting 1 attached volumes...
INFO[0008] Removing cluster details from default kubeconfig...
INFO[0008] Removing standalone kubeconfig file (if there is one)...
INFO[0008] Successfully deleted cluster knative-stack!
This repository contains mostly configuration settings, therefore licensing for the demo application and the components used here, can be referenced at the following links from Knative official docs: