Tools for easier living with AWS DynamoDB, it's Dyn-O-Mite!
- Get a quick informational summary of any table
- Quickly grab 10 records from any table
- Export all or a subset of any DynamoDB table to CSV
- wipe or truncate a table
- ...and much, much more!
pip install dyn-o-tool
CloudZero Dyn-O-Tool!
Tools for making life with DynamoDB easier
dynotool list [--profile <name>]
dynotool info <TABLE> [--profile <name>]
dynotool head <TABLE> [--profile <name>]
dynotool copy <SRC_TABLE> <DEST_TABLE> [--profile <name>]
dynotool export <TABLE> [--format <format> --file <file> --profile <name>]
dynotool import <TABLE> --file <file> [--profile <name>]
dynotool wipe <TABLE> [--profile <name>]
dynotool truncate <TABLE> [--filter <filter>] [--profile <name>]
-? --help Usage help.
list List all DyanmoDB tables currently provisioned.
info Get info on the specified table.
head Get the first 20 records from the table.
copy Copy the data from SRC TABLE to DEST TABLE
export Export TABLE to JSON
import Import file into TABLE
wipe Wipe an existing table by recreating it (delete and create)
truncate Wipe an existing table by deleting all records
--format <format> JSON or CSV [default: json]
--file <file> File to import or export data to, defaults to table name.
--profile <profile> AWS Profile to use (optional) [default: default].
--filter <filter> A filter to apply to the operation. The syntax depends on the operation.
Copyright 2021 Erik Peterson