A small and simple validation framework for Scala.
- Validates a form of fields.
- Each field can have as many as needed validators in a list.
- Fail-fast per field: Once some of validators of a field failed, the process of form validation proceeds with a validation for a next field in a list, and so on.
- Some basic validators are already implemented (RequiredStringValidator, MinLengthValidator, MaxLengthValidator, SimpleEmailValidator, etc).
When dealing with UI forms like in web applications.
object Usage extends App {
import com.plameno.validation._
// A data model that we want to validate
case class Person(
login: String,
email: String,
age: Int
// Custom validator
case class MaturePersonValidator(p: Person) extends Validator() {
override val defaultError = "You should be over 18 years old"
def isValid = p.age > 18
// A form that validates our data model Person
class PersonValidator(p: Person) extends FormValidator {
val validators = Map(
"login" -> List(
MinLengthValidator(p.login, 2),
// Below we use a custom error message:
MaxLengthValidator(p.login, 6, Some("Login is too long"))),
"email" -> List(
"age" -> List(
val person = Person(login = "123456xx", email = null, age = 17)
val personForm = new PersonValidator(person)
// Here the validation performs
val errors = personForm.validate
val prettyErrors = errors.map{ case (f, e) => s" $f: $e;" }.mkString("\n")
println(s"Validation errors:\n$prettyErrors")
Validation errors:
login: Login is too long;
email: Field is required;
age: You should be over 18 years old;