This program combines information from both Network Zone (NZ) and Institution Zone (IZ), for both Alma and Alma Analytics. Looking at the resulting combined spreadsheet helps to see concerns and get better e-resources counts for IPEDS. We can see duplicates and what is missing and then make adjustments as needed.
PALS staff discussed this project at Eluna Learns 2022: (
PHP Hosting: for running this PHP web-based program
Download and upload all files and folders into your hosting environment.
Edit this file to provide API key for network zone (NZ) and each institution zone (IZ) as formatted here:
[lib_code = api_key]
NZ = 111_api_key_of_network_zone
TST1 = 123xyzapikey1
TST2 = 111222333apikey2
Edit this file to provide the list of emails to receive reports when you run this program for ALL.
For example:
Edit this file to provide the list of IZ analytic reports' paths for each institutions
For example:
Edit this file to provide the NZ api key and NZ analytics report's path at:
Line 569 in 9d06ff4
Line 570 in 1d2bb70
Once Configuration is Complete
You can run it for all:
Or just one institution:
(TST1 is the institution code)
Then you have 2 options:
Since some group data doesn’t come through the API, to be as complete as possible, run and download this report for NZ electronic collections:
Log in to the network zone
Search with * for Electronic collection
You probably want to rename the file with the date for uploading: nzalloct5.xls
You can also run the program using only the API (without uploading the report) if you want to quickly get major electronic collections.
Whether you use option 1 or 2, once the program processes, click the link at the top to download the zip file of the reports. You can also choose or click who you want to email and then click the Send Email button.
This program uses these API calls to receive NZ and IZ analytics reports:
NZ analytics report (replace 111222333_api_key_nz_111222333 with your network zone api key)
IZ analytics report (replace 111222333_api_key_111222333 with your institution zone api key)
If you want to use your own reports, you must update the paths for your API calls in the program at:
Line 569 in 9d06ff4
Line 570 in 1d2bb70
all the paths for each institutions in IZan_paths.csv as described above.
If you change the reports, you may need to customize the program.
Current maintainers:
- Simon Mai
- Jill Holman (documentation)