A location aware app. When a user comes in range of an iBeacon, trigger a message.
Hacking with Swift
This iOS app project is from the iBook tutorial "Hacking with Swift" which forms part of the "Hacking with Swift" tutorial series, authored by Paul Hudson.
NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription withInfo.plist
UUID with major number and minor number
Some features included are not part of the guided project, but are added as stretch goals. Stretch goals apply learned knowledge to accomplish and are completed unassisted. Stretch goals may either be suggested by the teaching instructor or self imposed. Strecth goals / features implemented (if any) will be listed here.
February, 2019
- Deployment Target (iOS version): 12.1 and higher
- Supported Devices: Universal
- Optimized for: iPhone