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Code Institute Milestone 4 Project e-commerce site providing full CRUD functionality. The site features user authentication, Stripe credit card payments and emailed order confirmations. Developed using Python3 and Django framework utilising sqlite3 / PostgreSQL databases and media served from an AWS S3 bucket.

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Sportswear Online logo

Sportswear Online is a (fictitious) online retailer providing sports clothing, footwear, equipment and accessories for sale. The idea for this final milestone project is to provide the visitor with a fully functioning, interactive e-commerce website providing easy, familiar navigation and allowing the simulated purchase of items from the store.

The site functionality will allow a common shopping experience for the visitor by providing a shopping cart to save chosen items, a secure checkout / payment facility and order confirmation using both on-screen messages and friendly, personalised emailed message.

Please note: This site is purely for educational purposes only. The credit card payment facility is real but remains in test mode and so no payments will be taken. Please do not enter real credit card details when using this site.

Sportswear Online screenshot



Project Goals

The goal of this project is to build a fully functioning e-commerce website, similar in design to popular UK high street retailers, allowing the user to browse a range of sports related products.

The features of the website will be:

  • Search for products by type, name or category.
  • Expanded menus displaying sub-categories of products to further filter the available products.
  • Select items to purchase by size and quantity, placed in a shopping cart.
  • A checkout page where the items can be paid for with a secure, integrated credit card payment facility.
  • User registration with a profile page showing order history and delivery address.
  • Order confirmation email functionality.

I achieve this by:

  • Allowing purchases to be made whether the user is registered with an account or not.
  • Providing a registration form with username and password for users to create an account.
  • Providing a log in page for existing users to log in to their account.
  • Utilising Stripe online payments infrastructure to enable purchasing of products
  • Connecting Google Gmail to the website checkout functionality allowing order confirmation emails to be sent.

User Stories

Viewing and Navigation

  1. As a shopper, I want to be able to view a list of products so that I can choose some items to purchase.
  2. As a shopper, I want to be able to filter products that I am interested in without searching through all the products.
  3. As a shopper, I want to be able to select individual products to see more detailed information and add the item to my shopping cart.
  4. As a shopper, I want to be able to see any product special offers, new arrivals and available deals, taking advantage of any reduced prices shown.
  5. As a shopper, I want to be able to see items I have placed in my shopping cart easily so that I can keep track oof what I am buying
  6. As a shopper, I want to be able to see breadcrumb navigation links to see where I am on the site easily.

Registration and User Accounts

  1. As a site user, I want to be able to register for an account to make future purchases easier
  2. As a site user, I want to be able to easily log in and out of my account so that I can access my personal account information
  3. As a site user, I want to be able to receive and email requireing me to verify my email account to finish account registeration.
  4. As a site user, I want to be able to log in and have a personal profile page containing my delivery details and order history
  5. As a site user, I want to be able to save and update my delivery information on my personal profile page.

Sorting and Searching

  1. As a shopper, I want to be able to sort the available products by price, main category, sub-category or product type
  2. As a shopper, I want to be able to filter and group products for men, women, unisex or kids.
  3. As a shopper, I want to be able to see how many products are available based on the sorting / filtering I have applied
  4. As a shopper, I want to be able to search for a product by name, type or category.

Purchasing and Checkout

  1. As a shopper, I want to be able to easily select the size and qualtity of a product when adding it to the shopping cart
  2. As a shopper, I want to be able to view the items in my shopping cart waiting to be purchased, seeing the sub-total, delivery costs and grand total amounts.
  3. As a shopper, I want to be able to easily update the items in the shopping cart by changing the quantities of products or remove them from the cart.
  4. As a shopper, I want to be able to checkout securely where I can enter my delivery and credit card payment details with confidence.
  5. As a shopper, I want to be able to view an order confirmation page as well as receive and email order confirmation once the transaction has succeeded.

Admin and Store Management

  1. As a store owner, I want to be able to add new products to my store
  2. As a store owner, I want to be able to edit / update the current product details and replace the product image file
  3. As a store owner, I want to be able to delete a product that is no longer for sale.

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Design Choices


I've chosen the colours mostly from the standard Bootstrap Background Colours, applying classes to the template sections, as they conveniently fitted with the bold colours of the contemporary Sportwear Retailer sites this project site was modelled on: Palette

  • bg-dark (#343A40) - Gunmetal
  • bg-warning (#FFC107) - Mikado Yellow
  • bg-success (#28A745) - Green Pantone
  • Logo Text (#FFFFF0) - Ivory
  • CTA Background Gradient 1 (#00689D) - Sapphire Blue
  • CTA Background Gradient 2 (#007DBC) - Star Command Blue
  • CTA Background Gradient 3 (#0082C3) - Green Blue Crayola


I designed the site mock-ups using Balsamiq wireframes. I focussed on defining the basic layout structure of the site and identified how displays would change on different screen sizes such as mobile, tablet and desktop for each page.



  • Python3
    • Used to create the main application functionality
  • HTML5
    • Used as the main markup language for the website content.
  • CSS3
    • Used to style the individual webpages.
  • JavaScript
    • Used to create the interactive functionality of the website


  • PostgreSQL
    • A powerful, open-source object-relational database.
  • sqlite3
    • Default database created with Django used for app development on localhost.

Libraries / Frameworks

  • Bootstrap5
    • Used to design a mobile-first responsive website layout.
  • Django
    • A high-level Python Web framework.
  • Django-Allauth
    • Python user authentication and login plugin for Django.
  • Stripe
    • Online payments platform used for the shopping basket functionality.
  • Green Unicorn (gunicorn)
    • Python WSGI HTTP Server for Unix used on the Heroku deployment.
  • psycopg2-binary
    • PostgreSQL database adapter for Python.
  • Pillow
    • Python Image Library image processing capabilities.
  • sqlparse
    • sqlparse is a non-validating SQL parser for Python. It provides support for parsing, splitting and formatting SQL statements.
  • Boto3
    • AWS SDK for Python (Boto3) used to create, configure, and manage AWS S3 services.
  • jQuery
    • Used for the initialisation of the Bootstrap components functionality and enhance the shopping bag functionality.
  • Django Template Language
    • Templating language for Python.


  • Git
    • Git was used for version control by utilizing the Gitpod terminal to commit to Git and push to GitHub.
  • GitHub
    • Used to store, host and deploy the project files and source code after being pushed from Git.
  • Gitpod
    • An online IDE linked to the GitHub repository used for the majority of the code development.
  • Font-Awesome
    • Used for icons to enhance headings and add emphasis to text.
  • Heroku
    • Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.
  • AWS S3
    • Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service used to store the site static files
  • JSON Formatter
    • Online JSON Formatter, validator and conversion tool
  • Django Secret Key Generator
    • The Django Secret Key Generator is used to generate a new SECRET_KEY for environment variables.
  • Adobe Lightroom
    • For batch photo resizing and exporting for web
  • Adobe Spark
    • Used to create the Sportswear Online logo
    • Used to create the website favicons
  • CSS Gradient Tool
    • Used to create the jumbotron radial gradient
  • Django Secret Key Generator
    • Used to create the Django environment variables secret keys
    • Used to create the database entity-relationship diagram.

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Features Implemented

The following section describes the site design and page layouts to demonstrate the features implementsed.

Responsive Front-end Design

  • Responsive mobile first design using a Bootstrap v4.6 framework
  • Django Template language is used to create the site's front-end dynamic content.

Back-end Design

  • The app is created using Python3 and Django framework to create an application structured using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.
  • The site is deployed via a Heroku app linked to a GitHub repository.
  • The dynamic content is served utilising a PostgreSQL relational database with static files and media stored on an AWS S3 bucket.

User Stories Implemented

User Story ID Features Implemented
1 The Products page shows a full list of products with a product image, name, price and category labels. The products are displayed in a grid format with 4 columns on larger displays and reducing down to 1 column on mobile displays.
2, 4 & 13 The navbar allows users to filter the products by gender, category, sub-category and article type as well as special offers categories. The navbar menus are arranged to provide quick access to defined sorting criteria to assist the user to quickly find the types of products they want.
3 Each product image in the Products page can be clicked to open the item product page selected. The product page includes all the same information as the Products page but includes a quantity selector and a size selector (product category dependant), as well as allowing the user to return to the main products page or add the item to the shopping cart.
5 & 17 The user can click the shopping cart icon in the top right corner of the navbar to be taken to the cart page where each shopping cart item is listed with a product image, product details, unit price, quantity selector and a sub-total column. A toast message pop-up window appears each time the user adds an item to the shopping basket as a secondary way to easily keep track of the items to be purchased. Delivery cost and grand total amounts are also displayed on the shopping cart page.
6 The breadcrumbs navigation links are shown just below the delivery banner in the upper left corner of the main page block. They show the current page and provide navigation links back to the Home page or other related pages.
7 & 9 Users can click the My Account link in the navbar and select Register from the dropdown menu. The user is directed to the Sign-Up page where they must enter their email address, username and a password. An email is sent to the user to verify the account email address before registration is complete.
8 Users can click the My Account link in the navbar and select Log In from the dropdown menu. The user is directed to the Log In page where they must enter their username and a password. Once logged in, users can click the My Account link in the navbar and select Logout from the dropdown menu.
10 & 11 Users who are logged in can click the My Account link in the navbar and select My Profile from the dropdown menu. The user is directed to the My Profile page where they can see their saved delivery details and order history records. Users can update and save their details from the My Profile page.
12 A sorting selector is available on the Products page with a number of sorting options to list the products in both ascending and descending order.
14 The products page displays the total number of products returned by the search query
15 The navbar has a search box visible on larger displays or can be revealed when tapping the search icon on mobile displays. The user can search for a product by name, type or category.
16 Users can select the size (product category dependant) and the quantity from the individual product page when adding the item to the shopping cart.
18 Items in the shopping cart can have their individual quantities updated between 1 and 99 or remove the item if no longer needed.
19 Secure checkout and payment is provided by the integrated Stripe online credit card payment system.
20 Once an order is completed, the user is shown an order confirmation page detailing the oirder information, order details, delivery address and billing information.
21 Logged in store owners (admin / super users) have access to a Product Management page where new products can be added.
22 & 23 Logged in store owners (admin / super users) have access to edit and delete buttons for all products on the site. The edit button opens and edit product page where the store owner can update the product details.

Site Construction


  • User Logged Out

Topology - User logged out

  • User Logged In

Topology - User logged out

  • Admin / Super User Logged In

Topology - User logged out

Database Schema

Entity-Relationship Diagram

Fixtures JSON File creation

  • To enable the large amout of products data to be loaded easily into the database, fixtures JSON files were created to remove the manual work to build by hand each time via the site admin page.

  • Utility apps were written in Python to sort through and extract information from the huge Fashion Product Images Dataset from

The full description of the fixtures JSON files creation process can be found in the document.

CRUD Functionality

Site Page Create Read Update Delete
Products All Products
Products Delete Single Product
Product Page Single Product
Product Page Delete Single Product
Add Product Add New Product
Edit Product Single Product
Edit Product Update Single Product
Shopping Cart All Products
Shopping Cart Update Product Quantity (Session)
Shopping Cart Remove Product (Session)
Checkout All Products
Checkout Create Order
Checkout Create Order Line Items
Checkout User Delivery Details
Checkout Update User Details
Checkout Update Product Quantity (Session)
Checkout Remove Product (Session)
Sign Up Add New User
Log In User Details
Profile User Details
Profile User's Orders
Profile Update Delivery Details


  • Bootstrap Toasts are used with customised templates to show:
    • Errors - Django messages are displayed within the Toast body section with a red coloured top border of the header
    • Info - Django messages are displayed within the Toast body section with a teal coloured top border of the header
    • Success - Django messages are displayed within the Toast body section with a green coloured top border of the header
      • If the shopping cart grand total is greater than zero, the success toast also shows the user their current shopping cart contents with sub-total, delivery and grand total amounts.

Defensive Programming

  • In order to try to maintain the site security, defensive programming to prevent "brute force" loading of restricted pages was introduced.
    • At its simplest level, certain pages are removed from view unless a user is authenticated by being logged in or not.
    • Where appropriate, Python views functions are also modified by Django @login_required decorators to restrict user access to inappropriate pages.
    • Editing of products is restricted to super-users or admins using if...else conditions to check user authentication.

Additional Site Features

  • A set of friendly HTTP Error landing pages for site visitors to see if a requested page is unavailable or cannot be accessed.
    • The pages provide a message to the user and a button to click to return the visitor to the homepage.
    • HTTP 404, 500 & 503 errors are handled with custom templates to cover the most common events.

Future Features

  • Django Pagination to allow limiting the number of products per page to vastly improve the site performance while allowing full product inventory to be displayed across multiple pages.

  • performance improvements with product image loading by replacing .jpg image media files with .webp versions to reduce the network payload by around 50% for mobile devices.

  • Account user registration using social media accounts such as Google, Facebook or LinkedIn.

  • Additional tables for stock inventory control to create dynamic updates of the available sizes, stock quantities and In Stock / Out of Stock indicators.

  • Discount codes functionality within the checkout app with a database table codes and validity from / to date ranges.

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Project Management

GitHub Projects are used to organize the planning and development of the website. Two GitHub projects are used to manage different aspects of the site development:

  • Development
    • Manages the project tasks and files.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Manages the triage and prioritization of the bug fixes.

The Projects are created using the following GitHub templates:

  • Automated kanban template for the Development project.
  • Bug Triage template for the Bug Fixes project.

GitHub Projects

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Version Control

Version control for this repository is managed within GitHub and Gitpod using separate branches used to work on specific aspects of the project. The following describes the repository branch structure:

  • Main - this is the default branch and the source for the repository deployment.
    • Docs - this branch is used for updating the, and documentation.
    • Development - this branch is used as the main working branch for the website development.
    • Features - this branch is used to try out new ideas and enhancements for the website.
    • Each individual bug fixes are raised within their own separate branches using the naming convention <GitHub Issue ID Number>-<bug fix description> e.g. branch name 12-correct-navbar-links

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  • Testing information can be found in a separate file.

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To manage bugs and issues tracking, the default GitHub template has been created and activated within the repository settings Features > Issues section. All new bugs and issues are tracked within the GitHub repository Issues section . Open issues are managed within the GitHub Bug Fixes Project

Each branch is then merged into the main branch using a pull request that is linked to the open issue. Once merged, and the bug report closed, the branch is deleted.

Fixed bugs and issues are marked as closed. Full details of all closed issues can be viewed here.

GitHub Issues

GitHub Issues Example

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The website was developed using both Gitpod and Visual Studio Code and using Git pushed to GitHub, which hosts the repository. I made the following steps to deploy the site using Heroku:

Cloning Sportswear Online from GitHub


Ensure the following are installed locally on your computer:

Please ensure you have an account created at Stripe in order to use the online payment processing for the checkout app.

Cloning the GitHub repository

  • navigate to simonjvardy/Sportswear-Online GitHub repository.
  • Click the Code button
  • Copy the clone url in the dropdown menu
  • Using your favourite IDE open up your preferred terminal.
  • Navigate to your desired file location.

Copy the following code and input it into your terminal to clone Sportswear-Online:

git clone

Creation of a Python Virtual Environment

Note: The process may be different depending upon your own OS - please follow this Python help guide to understand how to create a virtual environment.

Install the App dependencies and external libraries

  • In your IDE terminal window, install the dependencies from the requirements.txt file with the following command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Create the database in sqlite3

The installaton of the requirements.txt file will initialise the sqlite3 development database locally.

Run the following commands to create the database tables:

  • Check there are no changes to the models already configured.
python3 makemigrations --dry-run
  • Check which migrations will be applied.
python3 migrate --plan
  • Apply the migrations.
python3 migrate

Load the fixtures files into the database in the following order:

python3 loaddata gender
python3 loaddata master_category
python3 loaddata sub_category
python3 loaddata article_type
python3 loaddata special_offer
python3 loaddata products

Create .env file

  • Import and initialise environ in
    • A helpful guide can be found here
  • The .env file should contain at least the following information:
  • Please ensure you add in your own SECRET_KEY, STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY, STRIPE_SECRET_KEY and STRIPE_WH_SECRET values.
  • The Stripe keys can be found in the Developers section under API Keys and Webhooks of your Stripe Account
  • Important: Add the .env file to your .gitignore file before pushing your files to any public git repository.

Run the application locally

  • To run the application, enter the following command into the terminal window:
python3 runserver

Deploying Sportswear Online app to Heroku

Creating the Heroku app

Please ensure you have an account created at Heroku in order to deploy the app.

  • Log in to your Heroku account dashboard and create a new app.
  • Enter the App name.
    • This needs to be unique and sportswear-online is already in use so choose a suitable alternative name for your own App.
  • Choose a geographical region closest to where you live.
    • Options available on a free account are United States or Europe

Adding a PostgreSQL database to Heroku

  • Select the Resources tab on your Heroku app dashboard
  • Select Heroku Postgres as a new add-on with a Plan name of Hobby Dev - Free
  • Heroku will build the PostgresQL database instance and add a config variable automatically.

Load the data into PostgreSQL

  • Add the following variable to the .env file:
  • Apply the migrations to the Heroku PostgreSQl database tables.
python3 migrate
  • Load the fixtures files into the PostgreSQL database in the following order:
python3 loaddata gender
python3 loaddata master_category
python3 loaddata sub_category
python3 loaddata article_type
python3 loaddata special_offer
python3 loaddata products

Push your repository to GitHub

  • In the Heroku App Settings page, open the section Config Vars
  • Add all the environmant variables from your local .env file into the Heroku Config Vars:
Key Value
  • In the Heroku App Deploy page:
    • Select GitHub from the Deployment Method options.
    • Select Connect to GitHub.
    • Log in to your GitHub account from Heroku to link the App to GitHub.
    • Search for and select the repository to be linked in GitHub.
    • Select Connect.
    • Select Enable Automatic Deployment from the GitHub Master / Main branch.

Launch the app

  • Click Open App in Heroku to launch the App in a new browser window.

Note: The static files served from GitHub will be much slower to load than running locally. It is recommended to copy the static files to an online service such as an AWS S3 Bucket and connect this to Heroku.

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The following sportswear online retailers' websites were the basis for the design and layout ideas:




Code Institute Milestone 4 Project e-commerce site providing full CRUD functionality. The site features user authentication, Stripe credit card payments and emailed order confirmations. Developed using Python3 and Django framework utilising sqlite3 / PostgreSQL databases and media served from an AWS S3 bucket.




