SUIT CSS image utilities
- Read more about SUIT CSS's design principles.
- Allow an image to respond to its container size
<img class="u-imgResponsive" src="{src}" />
By default responsive images are set to display: block
but this can be overridden with
another utility, such as suitcss-utils-display
<img class="u-imgResponsive u-inline" src="{src}" />
Please refer to the README for SUIT CSS utils
Install Node (comes with npm).
npm install
To generate a build:
npm run build
To lint code with postcss-bem-linter and stylelint
npm run lint
To generate the testing build.
npm run build-test
To watch the files for making changes to test:
npm run watch
Basic visual tests are in test/index.html
- Google Chrome
- Opera
- Firefox
- Safari
- Internet Explorer 8+
- Android 4.1+
- iOS 6+
- Windows phone 8.1+