This gem allows you to easily use the Pivotal Tracker v5 API.
It’s powered by Faraday and Virtus.
This gem is tested against the following officially supported Ruby versions:
- Minimum Ruby Version: 2.7.x
- Latest Ruby Supported: 3.2.x
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'tracker_api'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install tracker_api
client = 'my-api-token') # Create API client # Get email for the authenticated person
client.activity # Get a list of all the activity performed the authenticated person
client.notifications # Get notifications for the authenticated person
projects = client.projects # Get all projects
project = client.project(123456) # Find project with given ID
project.activity # Get a list of all the activity performed on this project
project.stories # Get all stories for a project
project.stories(with_state: :unscheduled, limit: 10) # Get 10 unscheduled stories for a project
project.stories(filter: 'requester:OWK label:"jedi stuff"') # Get all stories that match the given filters
project.create_story(name: 'Destroy death star') # Create a story with the name 'Destroy death star''Destroy death star') # Get a search result with all epics and stories relevant to the query
story = project.story(847762630) # Find a story with the given ID
story.activity # Get a list of all the activity performed on this story
story.transitions # Get a list of all the story transitions on this story = 'Save the Ewoks' # Update a single story attribute
story.attributes = { name: 'Save the Ewoks', description: '...' } # Update multiple story attributes
story.add_label('Endor') # Add a new label to an existing story # Save changes made to a story
story = client.story(117596687) # Get a story with story ID only
story = client: client,
project_id: 123456,
id: 847762630) # Use the Story resource to get the story
comments = story.comments # comments without first fetching the story
comment = story.create_comment(text: "Use the force!") # Create a new comment on the story
comment = story.create_comment(text: "Use the force again !", # Create a new comment on the story with
files: ['path/to/an/existing/file']) # file attachments
comment.text += " (please be careful)" # Update text of an existing comment
comment.delete # Delete an existing comment
comment.create_attachments(files: ['path/to/an/existing/file']) # Add attachments to existing comment
comment.delete_attachments # Delete all attachments from a comment
attachments = comment.attachments # Get attachments associated with a comment
attachments.first.delete # Delete a specific attachment
comment.attachments(reload: true) # Re-load the attachments after modification
task = story.tasks.first # Get story tasks
task.complete = true # Mark a task complete
review = # Mark a review as complete
review.status = 'pass'
epics = project.epics # Get all epics for a project
epic = epics.first
label = epic.label # Get an epic's label
workspaces = client.workspaces # Get person's multi-project workspaces
See Pivotal Tracker API documentation for how to use the fields
client = 'my-api-token') # Create API client
client.project(project_id, fields: ':default,labels(name)') # Eagerly get labels with a project
client.project(project_id, fields: ':default,epics') # Eagerly get epics with a project
client.project(project_id).stories(fields: ':default,tasks') # Eagerly get stories with tasks
story.comments(fields: ':default,person') # Eagerly get comments and the person that made the comment for a story
is raised for 4xx HTTP status codes
is raised for 5xx HTTP status codes
Direct mutation of an attribute value skips coercion and dirty tracking. Please use direct assignment or the specialized add_* methods to get expected behavior.
This will cause coercion and dirty tracking to be bypassed and the new label will not be saved.
story = project.story(847762630)
label = 'Special Snowflake')
story.labels << label
story.labels = story.labels.dup.push(label)
- Add missing resources and endpoints
- Add create, update, delete for resources
- Error handling for error responses
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
- PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
Currently this client supports read-only access to Pivotal Tracker. We will be extending it as our use cases require, but are always happy to accept contributions.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request