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Project Notes

Colin Powell edited this page Apr 28, 2018 · 1 revision

Working Notes:

  • Ingredients can only be accessed in bulk via their category. In terms of the API, this means that a client cannot not directly issues a request for all ingredients. This is likely reflective of how the app will be used, but we can discuss alternatives if this is not acceptable.
  • We need to devise a way to express the relationship between 'recipes' and 'ingredients' in the API.
    • Current thought: build a /ingredient_recipes join table, with:
      • recipe_id (fk reference to recipes)
      • ingredient_id (fk reference to ingredients)
      • amount (float)
      • unit_of_measure (fk reference to a unit_of_measure table?)
    • API endpoints would then be: /ingredient_recipes/...
    • When (eventually) shopping lists are created, similar units of measure are grouped together to help consolidate the shopping list. Ex: if two recipes call for 1 cup of milk, the shopping list reads "2 cups of milk."
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