VK Messenger on python helps you to chat with your friends secretly in your terminal or command prompt
vkmessenger is executable python file(to run - print in linux\osx terminal ./vkmessenger; For windows -- compile with python)
With vk_auth.py it connects to oauth.vk.com(with GET Request) and sends printed data(login and password). On success it gets cookies and acces_token to authorize
Then you can write commands
- command "help" provides you to list all aviable commands
- command "d" provides you to list your last 10 dialogs
- to open a dialog print id from round brackets
- then everything you print except "r" and "d" will be send to id-helder
- to refresh use "r" command
- to return to dialog list use "d" command
- command "r" provides to refresh current activity
- command "exit" exits :D