This is a dynamic size spectrum model for modelling the coupling "pelagic" size-based predators and "benthic" detritivores that share a common resource pool (detritus).
This repository is a global application of dbpm for studying climate change impacts on marine ecosystems and potential fisheries as part of the Fish-MIP project and the Australian Research Council Discovery Project "Rewiring Marine Foodwebs".
The model has been been developed through the following papers:
Blanchard, J.L., Jennings, S., Holmes, R., Harle, J., Merino, G., Allen, I., Holt, J, Dulvy N.K., & Barange, M. 2012. Potential consequences of climate change for primary production and fish production in large marine ecosystems. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences, 367, 2979-2989.
Blanchard, J.L., Law, R. ,Castle, M.D. & S. Jennings. 2011. Coupled energy pathways and the resilience of size-structured food webs. Theoretical Ecology. 4(3) 289-300
Blanchard, J.L., Jennings, S., Law, R., Castle, M.D., McCloghrie P.,Rochet, M.J. & E. Benoît. 2009. How does abundance scale with body size in coupled size-structured food webs? Journal of Animal Ecology. 78: 270–280.
Please contact Julia Blanchard if you are interested in using this version of the model (which contains some new features), for more information or to get involved in further developments.