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updated, updated bssica_correct_emg with flexible dipole de…
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sjburwell committed Jun 10, 2019
1 parent 0eabadc commit 925283e
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Showing 2 changed files with 119 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ This is a MATLAB pipeline for easy-to-program automated pre-processing of electr

# Additional useful low-level functions:
* Identification of salt-bridge artifacts based on the electrical distance (Tenke et al., 2001), see get_elecdists()
* Removal of muscle-artifacts (i.e., white-noise signals) based on canonical correlation (De Clercq et al., 2006), see bsscca_correct_emg()
* Removal of muscle-artifacts (i.e., white-noise signals) based on canonical correlation or independent components (De Clercq et al., 2006), see bsscca_correct_emg() and bssica_correct_emg(), respectively
* Easy-to-implement Current Source Density transformation (, see proc_CSD()

# Citation:
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118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions functions/basefunc/bssica_correct_emg.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
% bssica_correct_emg() - remove putative muscle ICA components from EEG based on temporal
% autocorrelation and (optional) dipole location. Autocorrelations
% are computed in a sliding window, and the median (or another cutoff
% is used to quantify each component's autocorrelation
% Usage:
% >> [OUTEEG, dropped, rho, dipdepth] = bssica_correct_emg(INEEG, lag, threshold, varargin);
% Inputs:
% INEEG - input EEG dataset
% lag - 1xN time-lag(s) to compute autocorrelations on component activations in
% milliseconds, minimum of: round(EEG.srate/1000)
% threshold - 1xN threshold(s) at which to remove sub-threshold components in rho
% Optional inputs ('key','val'):
% 'slide' - sliding window to use (default: 1000)
% 'pctbad' - how much of a component time-series needs to be bad to be dropped? (def: 50)
% 'detrend' - polynomial order(s) to remove from data in sliding window before computing
% the autocorrelation (default: 2)
% 'relaxed' - 0 - conservative (rho must be > threshold for all lags)
% 1 - moderate (default, rho > threshold for >1 lag)
% 2 - relaxed (rho > threshold for >0 lag)
% 'depthr' - require that dipoles are located <depthr inside MNI brain (requires FieldTrip)
% Definition: in brain=-1 <-- brain surface=0 --> outside brain=+1
% Scott Burwell, May, 2019
% See also: bsscca_correct_emg
function [EEG, dropped, rho, dipdepth] = bssica_correct_emg(EEG, lag, threshold, varargin);

if length(varargin)==1,
args = varargin{:};
args = struct(varargin{:});

if ~isfield(args,'slide'), slide = 1000; else, slide = args.slide; end
if ~isfield(args,'pctbad'), pctbad = 50; else, pctbad = args.pctbad; end
if ~isfield(args,'relaxed'), relaxed= 1; else, relaxed= args.relaxed; end
if ~isfield(args,'depthr'), depthr = NaN; else, depthr = args.depthr; end
if ~isfield(args,'detrend'), dtndor =[1 2]; else, dtndor = args.detrend; end

% ---- Get independent component time-series autocorrelations

EEG.icaact = [];
EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG,'ica');
wins = slide/1000;
reject = EEG.reject;
if round(min(lag)/(1000/EEG.srate))<1,
error(' bssica_correct_emg; lag, too small for EEG.srate, must increase so that round(min(lag)/(1000/EEG.srate)) is greater than 0!'); return;

rho= ones(size(EEG.icaact,1),length(lag));
for c=1:size(EEG.icaact,1),
for l=1:length(lag),
cc = [];
datlong = reshape(EEG.icaact(c,:,:),[1 prod(size(EEG.icaact(c,:,:)))]);
steps = 1:EEG.srate * wins:length(datlong);
for tt = 1:length(steps)-1,
steppts = steps(tt):steps(tt)+(EEG.srate * wins);
tmpcc = corrcoef( detrendnonlin(datlong(steppts),dtndor), circshift(detrendnonlin(datlong(steppts),dtndor),round(lag(l)/(1000./EEG.srate))));
cc = [cc; tmpcc(2)];
rho(c,l) = prctile(cc, pctbad);

% ---- Get dipole locations and depth for independent components for standard MNI brain
% (Dipole fitting - adapted from:'s_useful_EEGLAB_code)
tmpEEG = EEG;
if ~isnan(depthr), %isnumeric(depthr),
dipfitroot = fileparts(which('eegplugin_dipfit'));
dipfitlocs = [dipfitroot '/standard_BEM/elec/standard_1005.elc'];
if isempty(tmpEEG.dipfit),
[chanlocs_out,coord_transform] = coregister(tmpEEG.chanlocs(tmpEEG.icachansind),dipfitlocs,'warp', 'auto','manual','off');
tmpEEG = pop_dipfit_settings( tmpEEG, ...
'hdmfile', [dipfitroot '/standard_BEM/standard_vol.mat'], ...
'coordformat', 'MNI',...
'mrifile', [dipfitroot '/standard_BEM/standard_mri.mat'],...
'chanfile', dipfitlocs, ...
'coord_transform', coord_transform,...
'chansel', tmpEEG.icachansind);
tmpEEG = pop_multifit(tmpEEG, 1:length(tmpEEG.dipfit.chansel),'threshold', 100, 'dipplot','off','plotopt',{'normlen' 'on'});

hdm = [dipfitroot, '/standard_BEM/standard_vol.mat']; load(hdm); %loads the "vol" variable used below in ft_sourcedepth
diplocs = reshape([tmpEEG.dipfit.model.posxyz],[3, length(tmpEEG.dipfit.model)])';
dipdepth= ft_sourcedepth(diplocs, vol);

if relaxed==0, dropped = find(sum(abs(rho)<repmat(threshold,size(rho,1),1),2)==size(rho,2))';
elseif relaxed==1, dropped = find(sum(abs(rho)<repmat(threshold,size(rho,1),1),2)>1)';
elseif relaxed==2, dropped = find(sum(abs(rho)<repmat(threshold,size(rho,1),1),2)>0)';

if ~isnan(depthr), %isnumeric(depthr),
dropped = intersect(find(dipdepth> depthr), dropped);

display([' bssica_correct_emg; (' EEG.filename ') Removing ' num2str(length(dropped), '%02d') ' muscle artifacts']);
EEG = pop_subcomp(EEG, dropped); EEG.reject = reject;

function y = detrendnonlin(x, order)
for pp = 1:length(order),
if pp==1,
p = polyfit((1:numel(x))', x(:), order(pp));
y = x(:) - polyval(p, (1:numel(x))');
p = polyfit((1:numel(y))', y(:), order(pp));
y = y(:) - polyval(p, (1:numel(y))');
y = reshape(y,size(x));

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