Local installation (can be used on deployment with ssh access with some adaptations for environment variables)
$ git clone
2. Configure particular project needed data and your own database parameters with environment variables in env.local
file using .env
provided example file:
# Website name displayed and visible in application:
$ WEBSITE_NAME=Your website name
# Default logo .jpeg file is provided in public/assets/images/mailing/ for application automatic emails:
$ ABSOLUTE_URL_FOR_HOSTED_LOGO=your_absolute_defined_path_to_hosted_mailing_logo
# Swift mailer configuration:
$ MAILER_DEV_URL=mailer_server_dev_parameters
$ MAILER_URL=mailer_server_prod_parameters
# Sender email address:
$ MAILER_SENDER_EMAIL=your_mailing_sender_email_address
# Sender email address:
$ MAILER_SENDER_NAME=${WEBSITE_NAME} - Your mailing sender name
Please note to host provided logo in public/assets/images/mailing/
which is used to be shown with absolute URL in automatic sent emails!
3. Adapt Doctrine "dbal" section configuration (driver and server_version) to your system requirements in doctrine.yaml
4. Encode plain passwords manually with command line interface (CLI) using defined Symfony password encoder to customise default users application hashed passwords. Then use these data to replace existing values in src/Utils/Database/DataFixtures/yaml/user_fixtures.yaml
to insert them in database thanks to data fixtures.
$ php bin/console security:encode-password Your_secured_password@1
Please note your password must contain between 8 and 20 characters (digits and letters), with at least 1 digit, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 special one.
$ composer install
$ php bin/console doctrine:database:create
$ php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
$ php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load