A Forge mod for 1.7.10 that generates a map of biomes via command or on startup.
- Supports mod-added biomes.
- Great for finding that perfect seed.
./gradlew clean build
/biomeatlas <apothem> [<resolution>]
Apothem is the "radius" of a square around you in chunks (not blocks). Each chunk is a 16x16 area of blocks.
Resolution is an optional parameter that lets you generate larger areas in shorter amounts of time by skipping 1 in X chunks. Specifically, it is the number of distinct chunks represented per pixel in one dimension. The default value is 1, which means that each chunk gets its own pixel in the map. A value of 2 will halve the size of the map and so on. Higher values allow you to map larger areas without increasing the amount of time it takes to generate the map.
Or instead, you can have map generation be initiated when a server is started with:
Such as:
java -Xmx5G -DbiomeAtlas.mapOnStartup=true -jar forge.jar
You can also define the following properties:
To find an ideal seed, you can make a Batch script or a shell script to continually restart a server with a new seed and have BiomeAtlas generate a map each time.
for i in `seq 1 50`;
rm -Rf world
java -Xmx5G -DbiomeAtlas.mapOnStartup=true -DbiomeAtlas.exitOnFinish=true -jar forge.jar nogui
@echo off
for /l %%x in (1, 1, 50) do (
rmdir /s /q world
java -Xmx5G -DbiomeAtlas.mapOnStartup=true -DbiomeAtlas.exitOnFinish=true -jar forge.jar nogui
You should find a bunch of biomeatlas_.png files in the same directory.
MIT License.