The project simulates continuously reads weather data from a Kafka topic, calculates the average temperature for each city every minute, and stores the results in a PostgreSQL database.
Here's a detailed breakdown of the project:
1. Kafka Producer:
gen_data() function generates random weather data every 10 seconds and sends it to the weather topic in Kafka.
2. Flink Processor: is the main entry point for the Flink application. WatermarkStrategy assigns watermarks to events, ensuring that late-arriving events are not processed.
WeatherDeserializationSchema is a custom deserialization schema that reads JSON-formatted weather data from Kafka.
Main() function creates a Flink streaming environment and reads weather data from the weather topic using KafkaSource.
AverageAggregator is an aggregation function that calculates the average temperature for each city every 60 seconds.
cityAndValueStream is a DataStream containing the city and average temperature for each city.
JdbcSink stores the calculated average temperatures in the weather table in PostgreSQL.
3. Data Structures:
Weather class represents a weather data point with city and temperature attributes. MyAverage class is a helper class used by the AverageAggregator function to store intermediate aggregation results.
Overall, the project utilizes Kafka for real-time data ingestion, Flink for data processing and aggregation, and PostgreSQL for data storage.
This document provides comprehensive instructions for building and running a Flink application that ingests weather data from Kafka, processes it, and stores the results in a PostgreSQL database.
Docker and Docker Compose installed Familiarity with Flink, Kafka, and PostgreSQL Steps:
a. Create a directory for each component:
- postgres: For the PostgreSQL database
- kafka-producer: For the Kafka producer
- flink-processor: For the Flink processor
a. Create a Dockerfile for PostgreSQL:
- Expose port 5432 for database access
- Copy the docker-compose.yml file
b. Create a docker-compose.yml file for the PostgreSQL container:
- Define the PostgreSQL image
- Map host port 5432 to container port 5432
- Mount a data directory for persistence
a. Create a directory for Kafka Producer scripts:
- scripts: For PowerShell and Python scripts
b. Create a PowerShell script (.ps1) to generate weather data:
- Generate random weather data
- Use Kafka Producer API to send weather data to Kafka topic
c. Create a requirements.txt file to list Python dependencies:
- Kafka Python library for producing data to Kafka
d. Create a Python script (.py) to call the PowerShell script:
- Execute the PowerShell script to generate weather data
e. Create a Dockerfile for the Kafka Producer:
- Install Python 3.10
- Install Kafka Python library
- Copy scripts and Python script
- Run the Python script
a. Create a directory for Flink application resources:
- src/main/java: For Java source code
- resources: For resource files (
b. Create a file for logging configuration:
- Set logging level to INFO
- Configure console logging pattern
c. Create a Dockerfile for the Flink Processor:
- Use Flink:1.14.4 image
- Copy Flink application JAR file
- Copy file
- Specify Flink command to execute application JAR
d. Create a main class ( to handle weather data processing and ingestion into PostgreSQL:
- Create a Flink streaming job
- Read data from Kafka topic
- Process and transform weather data
- Write processed data to PostgreSQL database
a. Build the Kafka Producer Docker image:
- cd kafka-producer && docker build -t kafka-producer .
b. Build the Flink Processor Docker image:
- cd flink-processor && mvn clean package
- docker build -t flink-processor .
c. Start the Docker containers:
- docker-compose up -d
d. Verify PostgreSQL connection:
- docker exec -it postgres-flink psql -U postgres -d postgres
- \dt
- select * from weather