Control an addressable LED strip with an ESP8266 via a web browser for a Psilocbye lamp see
Building the lamp see it uses 241 addressable RGB leds as rings e.g. and a ESP device like d1 mini or similar. (
To control the data line of the led rings it is recommended to use a level shifter or a driver e.g. HCT 245.
To make it nice looking the led rings should be behind a diffusor. Easiest and nice way to do this, is to reuse a regular lamp like this
This how it looks (Jasons video):
Firmware is a fork of Jasons initial version but extended with some convenient addons:
- mqtt control and status for intergration in e.g. home assistant
- WifiManager for easier setup of wifi network
- OTA for easier firmware updates
- speed control for almost all effects
The embedded webserver presents a nice UI to control the lamp. The UI is updated in realtime even if you control the device via mqtt.
This is an example how the Psilocybe can be configured as a home assistant mqtt light device:
- name: 'Psilocybe'
state_topic: psilocybe/psilo1/state
state_value_template: '{{ json_value.power }}'
payload_on: 'on'
payload_off: 'off'
command_topic: psilocybe/psilo1/cmd/power
brightness_state_topic: psilocybe/psilo1/state
brightness_value_template: '{{json_value["brightness"]}}'
brightness_command_topic: psilocybe/psilo1/cmd/brightness
rgb_command_topic: psilocybe/psilo1/cmd/solidcolor
rgb_state_topic: psilocybe/psilo1/state
rgb_value_template: "{{ json_value.solidcolor[1:3] | int(base=16) ~ ',' ~ json_value.solidcolor[3:5] | int(base=16) ~ ',' ~ json_value.solidcolor[5:7] | int(base=16) }}"
effect_list: ['Pride', 'Color Waves']
effect_command_topic: psilocybe/psilo1/cmd/pattern
effect_state_topic: psilocybe/psilo1/state
effect_value_template: '{{json_value["pattern"]}}'
MQTT support in not completed yet, but all basic functions work already.
MQTT is configureable you can set server name and prefix, and enable or diable support.
Accepted commands are:
- power: 0|1 to switch on and off
- brightness: 0..255 to set brightness
- autoplay: 0|1 to start/stop autoplay
- palette: palette index
- pattern: effect pattern index
- autoplayDuration: duration of autoplay for one effect
- solidcolor: hexstring for color. format #RRGGBB
As soon as the device is online it publishs an info message on the topic <topic>/info with version infos for the firmware, e.g.:
{ "clientId": "ESP8266Client-xxx", "IP": "x.x.x.x","version":"0.1" }
This firmware has some convenience features that were not part of the original firmware:
- OTA firmware update: uses ArduinoOTA library, so that firmware and web ui data can be updated directly from ArduinoIDE over the air
- WiFiManager: if no wifi is configured or wifi not in reach, a self service access point is started, with UI to pick wifi network and enter password