Based on unstated-next( umi plugin, automatically read the file to register the container. 2.x corresponds to umi 4.x, 1.x corresponds to umi 3.x version, use different version according to your requirement.
English | 简体中文
Using npm:
$ npm install umi-plugin-unstated
Using yarn:
$ yarn add umi-plugin-unstated
Using pnpm:
$ pnpm add umi-plugin-unstated
- Add the following configuration to the config file generated by umi
// in umi config file
export default defineConfig({
unstated: {
* global: boolean | string[]
* 1. If the value is true, it will register all default exports of all legal files under uModels to the global (not recommended)
* 2. If the value is sting[], it will register the ones present in the list to the global, and the user will handle the rest (better performance)
* 3. All legal files of uModels are registered as Container and added under umi, exporting the key as uModels (import { uModels } from 'umi')
global: ['global'],
* Retrieve the name of the directory under src
folder: 'uModels',
* Debug mode, more output information
debug: true,
- Create a new
folder under src and add the fileglobal.tsx
import { useState } from 'react';
export default function useGlobal() {
const [global] = useState('global');
return {
- Use it on the page. If the model is registered globally, you can use it directly as follows
import React from 'react';
import { uModels } from 'umi';
const App = () => {
const { global } =;
return <div>{global}</div>;
- In the page. If the model is not globally registered, use the following
// src/uModels/example.tsx
import { useState } from 'react'
export default function useExample() {
const [exampleState] = useState('example')
return {
// MyComponent.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { uModels } from 'umi';
const ChildComponent = () => {
const { exampleState } = uModels.example.useContainer();
return (
child: {exampleState}
const MyComponent = () => {
const { exampleState } = uModels.example.useContainer();
return (
export default () => uModels.example.wrapProvider(<MyComponent/>)