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CodEco (Code + Eco)

2023-2 SKKU Software Engineering Team 3 Project

CodEco is a project that aims to calculate the environmental impact of written software code. A large percentage of carbon emission comes from computing resources, and this will continue to grow, as software becomes more demanding for high performance tasks. Our website calculates the energy resources required to execute a small piece of software, therefore allowing the user to correctly analyze the code in an ecological perspective.

We expect users to insert their Java code and calculate the carbon footprint of the code, and as a result understand how much of an impact such a small piece of code could bring to this world. We provide a minimalistic IDE-like setup for calculation, where each code is exeucted within a Docker container. We also provide detailed analysis on the results, as well as refactorization features that utilize OpenAI's AI model, ChatGPT to optimize the code in terms of ecological impact.

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This project is done as an undergraduate project for Introduction to Software Engineering by 7 team members associated in Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea.


Our website provides carbon footprint calculation of Java code. We provide asynchronous operations to allow for more concurrent users. The following are some detailed features our website provides.

  • View submission status and queue.

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  • View results of code execution.

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  • Detailed analysis of code execution results.

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  • Refactorization using ChatGPT.

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This repository contains code for both the server-side backend and client-side frontend. Execution of the following scripts should be done within each respective directories.


[Python Environment] Install the required Python packages. Use any virtual environment of your choice.

pip install -r requirements.txt

[Database Setup] Our website uses MySQL. The following script generates a database named 'codeco' with an admin user identified by a password of your choice.

CREATE USER 'admin'@'localhost' identified by <INSERT PASSWORD>;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on codeco.* to 'admin'@'localhost';

Run the following script to use Flask and MySQL together.

flask db upgrade

[.env File] Create the file './backend/.env' with the contents as below. Fill the necessary credentials.
CELERY_BROKER= amqp://localhost:5672

[Redis and RabbitMQ] Our website uses Redis and RabbitMQ. The following scripts are for running the Docker containers for these two.

docker run --rm -d -p 6379:6379 --name redis-server redis &&\
docker run --rm -d -p 8080:15672 -p 5672:5672 --name rabbitmq-server rabbitmq

[Server Execution] Use the following two scripts to run the server. The two scripts should be ran in two separate terminals.

gunicorn -w 1 -b 'app:app'
celery -A app.celery worker --loglevel INFO



node : v21.1.0
npm : v10.2.0
monaco-editor/react : v4.6.0
Next.js : v13.5.6

[How to change when using a different node version]

nvm install node
nvm use 21.1.0
nvm alias default 21.1.0


npm install

npm install @monaco-editor/react --force

npm install axios

[Getting Started]

Install the NodeJS modules and run the following script for NextJS development mode.

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev