A wrapper written in bash for checking a directory tree of sub directories containing .sfv
files and then calculate the checksum and blacklist those whom are deemed unfit.
Ideal is a swedish word for something if not perfection, near perfection. This is a wrapper script in bash which checks folders for sfv files and then calculates them. Those
who fail will be logged to a file (default: failed.log
). Ideal is swedish and is a word something near
perfection - which you want your releases to be.
- cksfv
The default usage ./ideal.sh -t /path/to/target/ -r (music|movie)
does not touch anything except writing a failed.log
to ~/
once cksfv
is done calculating the checksums. The failed.log
will be zeroed upon each new scan (read script invocation).
$ ideal.sh -t /path/to/directory -w -m
ideal.sh -t /path/to/target -w -m /tmp
-w DANGER: Use with caution. Enables (w)rite mode. Use with --move.
-m Directory to (m)ove broken releases into. Ignored unless -w is supplied.
If no argument passed then directory ~/broken is assumed for moving the broken folders to.
-t (t)arget path to scan.
-v Toggles (v)erbose output. Prints successful sfv checks aswell.
-d Defines folder (d)epth from target path. ie -d 2 /path/to/podcast will search 2 levels down.
-r (r)elease type ie: music or movie.
-h Prints this (h)elp message.
$ ideal.sh -t /mnt/music/pop/2003
[################################################## ]
Operation completed 40 scans.
5 broken releases.
35 intact releases.
So this script assumes some things, for example does it assume that you store files in
a flat style - ie: /path/to/$(movie_storage)/$(movie)
or for music /path/to/$(music_storage)/$(album)
- file storage layout
- movie/music directories containing sub folders like DISK1 and DISK2 is currently being blacklisted aswell.
- show percentage completion in margin #progressbar
- add maxdepth param via cmdline
- add archive possibility - aka save an archival log file aswell.
- cleanup stats which is printed after a scan
- colored output
- cleanup printf
- fix bug where dirs with spaces bor
- write a failed rls log
- proper args handling
- scrolling output yet with progressbar working(?)
- eliminate bc, awk perhaps?