A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know. A resource for new developers learning data structures and algorithms.
☝️ These are resources I can recommend to every programmer regardless of their skill level or tech stack
The main idea here is:
Given a specific challenge, feel free to contribute adding a way to resolve the problem (using any language you want) and a .md file explaining your approach and maybe time and space complexity.
Don't feel pressured to add any time and space complexity, just sharing how you came up with the idea is enough.
I'll be adding new problems daily.
P.P.S. Contributions are welcome! Take a good look here before getting started
- 🔗 HackerRank
- 🔗 TopCoder
- 🔗 Codewars
- 🔗 Project Euler
- 🔗 LeetCode
- 🔗 Codility
- 🔗 BinarySearch
- 🔗 AlgoExpert
- 🔗 CodeChef
- 🔗 GeeksforGeeks
- 🔗 Hackerearth
- 🔗 Coderbyte
- 🔗 CodinGame
- 🔗 Geektastic
- 🔗 CodeSignal