Work in progress: Eliom tutorial.
A very simple example of using Eliom services for the server side with OCaml Vdom for the client side.
A Reactive version of TodoMVC.
A Reactive version of Tic-Tac-Toe game. The idea of this demo came from the talk "Enterprise Tic-Tac-Toe" by Scott Wlaschin.
Even 👾 Darth Vader 👾 uses js_of_ocaml. This is a port of the Darth Vader Résumé from Novorésumé with a Material Design template. The code uses the force and Material Design Lite.
A Pong game. Inspired by the article "Client-side haskell" written by Ifeanyi Ubah.
Draw a plant with SVG and L-System: http://algorithmicbotany.org/papers/abop/abop.pdf
Pico spreadsheet: editable cells with a reactive SVG graph and a reactive sums line.
How to build and download a CSV file without any server processing and only from client side data.