Modules, samples, and a skeleton for the Revel Framework
Note, these instructions are based on an Ubuntu installation
cd $HOME
sudo apt-get install gcc libc6-dev mercurial git
hg clone -u release
cd go/src
cd $HOME
mkdir -p gocode/{src,bin,pkg}
Add the following to the end of your .bashrc
export GOROOT=$HOME/go
export GOBIN=$GOROOT/bin
export GOPATH=$HOME/gocode
export GO_BIN=$GOPATH/bin
Now reload the changes:
source ~/.bashrc
go get -u
Run the following commands
cd $HOME
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm ruby
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
sudo gem install sass
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
sudo npm install -g grunt-contrib-jshint grunt-contrib-concat grunt-contrib-uglify grunt-contrib-coffee grunt-markdown grunt-contrib-sass grunt-contrib-less highlight.js
Sometimes node screws up and makes root own the .npm
director. Use this to fix it
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER .npm
Install the packages
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client
Setup the database SUPAR-user (postgres password is postgres
sudo -u postgres createuser -s -P <username>
go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/
bash (hit ctrl-c when prompted) [you will see a bunch of errors initially]
Create the sample database
createdb sample_dev_db
Add the following to the end of your .bashrc
export DB_DEV_USER='<username>'
export DB_DEV_PASS='<password>'
export DB_DEV_NAME='sample_dev_db'
export DB_PROD_USER='<username>'
export DB_PROD_PASS='<password>'
export DB_PROD_NAME='sample_dev_db'
# these example values are for using Gmail to send emails
export MAIL_SERVER=''
export MAIL_SENDER='<gmail_username>'
export MAIL_PASSWD='<app_password>'
Now reload the changes:
source ~/.bashrc
To setup an <app_password>
for your google account:
- Go to your account security settings
- Click on App password
link - Enter a name for the computer and then generate a password
- Copy the resulting password code into the
note, you will have repeat this process for each computer on which you intend to setup revel-modz mail
The following instructions will setup a new app from the revel-modz skeleton
cd $GOPATH/src
revel new <APP_NAME>
bash (hit ctrl-c when prompted) [you will see a bunch of errors initially]
cd ..
createdb <APP_NAME>_dev_db
createdb <APP_NAME>_prod_db
Add the following to the end of your .bashrc
(you may change the export names if you also change them in app.conf)
[You can have several apps and DBs by altering the environment variables and respective app.conf's]
export DB_DEV_USER='<username>'
export DB_DEV_PASS='<password>'
export DB_DEV_NAME='<APP_NAME>_dev_db'
export DB_PROD_USER='<username>'
export DB_PROD_PASS='<password>'
export DB_PROD_NAME='<APP_NAME>_prod_db'
revel run <APP_NAME>
View by pointing your browser at localhost:9000
- Foundation 5.1.1
- Headjs for asynchronous loading of assets
- Many JS/CSS goodies in revel-modz/modules/assets
- Templated includes for per page assets
- An
template function for inserting JS code
- JS/SASS app resources initialized in app/assets
- Hot Code watch and recompile with Grunt
- ORM with
- User Authentication
- CSRF protection
- assets
-- lots of css/js goodies
- grunt
-- manage per app assets
- user/auth
-- registration
-- authentication
-- profile
- ws_comm
-- client side
-- server side
- plugins
-- maillist
-- forums
-- user-files
-- analytics
--- page requests
--- ui interaction testing
The individual modules have (will have) their own README's with more detail about each
The sample is a runnable Revel application, though you may have to do some setup
The skeleton mirrors the sample and both include all modules